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  1. Lydia

    I woke up this morning thinking: I have no aches or pains in this moment. I am here with my partner, and our two dogs are sleeping in their basket in the corner of the bedroom. And inside and out, there is perfect peace. So thank you for all of this, and I can give back by trying to be a blessing, bring light to myself and others today in what I think, say and do.

    5 months ago
  2. Robin Ann

    By having positive thoughts and actions of kindness. Praying & helping those in need and trying my best to take care of myself when life becomes overwhelming. Tomorrow is my darling daughter’s 33rd Birthday and I am so grateful that she is still with us by the Grace of God.

    5 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Tell your daughter to have nice birthday from me Robin Ann.

      5 months ago
  3. O.Christina

    Just to say thank you to the ones encountered, as today to several kind ones I had the honor and joy to deeply talk to, for their open heart, their warm interest in all which was actually discussed or looked at, for meetings both on eye´s and heart´s high. In the same time, i would say a deep and heartfelt thank you to the ones who very generously left and leave space to allow and guide me into deeper encounters, learning and spiritual unfolding related to my heart´s joy and longing and to possibly become able to serve kindred friends even more deeper an with all my heart. May you all have a good nights sleep tonight, dear friends.

    5 months ago
  4. Dolores Kazanjian

    I start every day with “thank you, Lord for another day.” I usually add, “This is the day the Lord has made; let me rejoice and be glad in it.”

    5 months ago
  5. Charlie T

    I can say thank you, by living today in the
    present. By giving my attention to my
    Friends and family. By stopping and noticing
    the world I live in. By being kind to myself
    and taking care of my physical and spiritual
    needs. Bbb

    5 months ago
  6. Ngoc Nguyen

    A smile. I woke up, giving myself a smile, thanks to God for my presence in this beautiful world filled with love and new things to learn. 

    5 months ago
  7. S
    Ana Maria

    I woke up this morning ready to wish my daughter a happy birthday! I say Thank you for her presence in my life, for the gift of a granddaughter who today is 20 months old. My son had a birthday yesterday. These two days is what my life is all about. I am so grateful for their gift, such beautiful souls. I am blessed!

    5 months ago
  8. Barb C

    I’ve added to my journal routine to include morning pages so I start each day with whatever’s in my head. Today I awoke full of work thoughts, which isn’t always the case. Writing them down captured some ideas that I’m glad I worked through. Now to get ready for the day and “go to work” (I telework most days) with gratitude for the work I do and my comfortable home.

    5 months ago
  9. Antoinette

    Thank you !

    5 months ago
  10. Pilgrim

    I see that yesterday’s whacky snow falls/flurries have dispersed. I am enjoying bright skies and melting snow, “birds of a feather” busy in their flights, the trees basking in sunshine, squirrels checking the ground for snacks. Each day that is much like this one brings me hope and happiness, as well as much gratitude for these signs of a (possibly) earlier spring. Gifts much appreciated, and I say thank you. For me, there is something about sunshine and hope that bring me JOY.

    5 months ago
  11. Carol

    “When I dare to be powerful – to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” Audre Lorde

    I can say “thank you” by proceeding even when “I’m shaking in my boots” and for a person who has struggled with anxiety all my life, that is a loud “thank you.”

    5 months ago
    1. Barb C

      Such a wonderful quotation today.

      5 months ago
  12. Yram

    To use each hour of this day in peace, kindness, and live the golden rule.

    5 months ago
  13. A

    I woke up this morning and have another day to live and breathe. I’m going to have an awesome productive day and do the next right thing!

    5 months ago
  14. sunnypatti

    Breathe in gratitude; breathe out fear.

    5 months ago
  15. Michele

    Positive morning affirmations are a great start of the day:)

    5 months ago

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