
You are Brilliant, and the Earth is Hiring

by Paul Hawken
The earth couldn’t afford to send recruiters or limos to your school. It sent you…
Stories of Grateful Living

Clinging to Peaches: The Paradox of Pruning

by Kristi Nelson
I came to gardening late in life. Not till my mid-40’s did I have the…
Julie Quiring
Stories of Grateful Living

The Virtue of Spark Plugs, and How I Found Happiness With a Chipper-Shredder

by Julie Quiring
I must remember, there’ll be days like this. - Van Morrison Today I spent hours…

Remembering Ourselves Whole Again: How Poetry Speaks from the Heart of Gratefulness

by Dale Biron
“In the middle of the road of my life / I awoke in the dark…
Stories of Grateful Living

Making Grateful Living a Grateful DOing

by Kristi Nelson
The more that we allow our hearts to expand to love, deeply appreciate, and feel…
Owen Griffith

Gratitude: A Powerful Tool for the Classroom

by Owen M. Griffith
Would you like to improve the culture in your classroom and your life? Try gratitude.…

The Story of the Two Branches of Gratitude

by Lynne Twist
Our friends at Gratitude Revealed connected with Lynne Twist recently, in between her many projects around the…
Isabella Price
Stories of Grateful Living

My Thanksgiving is Perpetual

by Isabella Price
Whenever I was on the verge of falling into a negative thought pattern I focused…
Elaine Mansfield
Stories of Grateful Living

The Last Best Gift

by Elaine Mansfield
Before you know what kindness really is you must lose things... - Naomi Shihab Nye An…

How Nature Heals

by Lang Elliott
If you learn to deeply connect with nature, to enter into a state of communion,…
Fabiana Fondevila
Stories of Grateful Living

Humility; the Virtue of Growing Downwards

by Fabiana Fondevila
It isn’t the illness I want to write about but rather what it has made…
Sarah Heffernan
Stories of Grateful Living

Simple Gestures

by Sarah Heffernan
[quote text="Be a lamp or a lifeboat or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk…
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