Woman sitting on a bed with coffee and book of poetry


Poetry, with its impossible-seeming combination of soft lens and precision, brings to our awareness that which might otherwise go unnoticed and unappreciated. May these poems open your heart to the nuance and opportunity of each moment.

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Golden sunlight filtering through trees and illuminating small flowers in a meadow


by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
When I forget that the whole worldis holy, even the tiny dark bugsthat slip through…
Sunlight reflecting on dark blue water


by Mary Oliver
Every day I see or hear something that more or less kills me  with delight,…
Water droplets on bare tree branches sparkling in the morning sun


by James Crews
It’s a shiver that climbs the trellisof the spine, each tingle a bright whitemorning glory…
A person swimming through ripples in royal blue water.

wherever you are

by Maya Stein
Wherever you are, be there. Take up space. Occupy the full dimension. Unfold the map of…
Closeup of pink buds on a Thanksgiving cactus

The Thanksgiving Cactus

by Nathan Spoon
Here in a chair in a cozy corner of this room, under the glow of a lamp, with…
A bright break in dark clouds.


by James Crews
The common understanding of the word “gratitude” simply does not convey the magnitude of gratefulness and…
A trio of deer in a field of tall wispy grasses, backlit by the golden light of the late afternoon sun.

To See New

by Carolyn Chilton Casas
Wherever we look,the chance for wonder. From my desk, I spytwo white-spotted, spindly-leggedfawns frolicking under the…


by Brad Aaron Modlin
in the room of bellies and receding hairlines and big feet,in the room of wrinkles…
A dirt path winding along a grassy hillside as dusk emerges with stars overhead. The path is bordered on the right hand side by a wooden fence.

For Those Who Have Far to Travel

by Jan Richardson
A Blessing for Epiphany If you could see the journey whole you might never undertake…
A collage of photos of six Black poets - Aja Monet, Hakim Bellamy, Langston Huger, Danusha Laméris, Lucille Clifton, and Ross Gay

Celebrating Black Poets

by The Grateful Living Team
In celebration of Black History Month, we offer this expanded, moving collection of work by…
Open hand filled with bits of opaque sea glass and pebbles.

in praise of I don’t know

by Maya Stein
Mostly, what washes up at the beach isn’t whole, though our eyes are peeledfor the…
Four thin screws on wood

the construction project

by Maya Stein
Why not hire a professional? would be the logical question, but then I’d miss the quizzicallook…
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