The glory of the sensual world
may be expanding according
to a crusty New England poet
who astonished the literary world today
with a press-conference revelation
of his researches. “Everything’s lusher,”
mused the poet, speaking
before an audience of some 50-odd
reporters and photographers
assembled in his garret.
He cited several beautiful flowers
and an extraordinary cloud
that passed over Western Massachusetts,
he says, sometime last week.
“Even the traffic lights,”
mused the poet, “even
the lives of critics.” His comments
have already called forth a universal
cavalcade of assent from commentators
including a posthumous encomium
from Walt Whitman. “Damn straight
it’s lusher,” Whitman opines in part,
“Fact is, it always was.”

All rights reserved.
Posted with kind permission of the poet.
