Photo by Evie S./Unsplash
Connect with this moment. Feel the contact of your feet on the ground, and the support of the ground beneath you. Become aware of the sensations in your body. Connect with all of your senses. Notice what is enduring or beautiful in your surroundings.
Can you open to the opportunity for wonder and awe that is here right now?
Should you be inspired, please leave a reflection below…
Enjoy the full seven-day The Little Things practice.
I am thankful for the cross of San Damiano before me.
Pray for my St. Francis
I am grateful for my toes and feet today;
I’m a morning person, I love the quiet of 5-8am, I am at my most reflective, aware and attitude of gratitude during these hours (especially at weekend when I less have to prepare for work). Both feet on the ground, I’m listening to the wind outside, feeling grateful that wind creates energy for the day and night.
It is rainy and a little chilly where I live. I am barefoot while working on my computer in my kitchen. Even though my feet are a bit chilly I am choosing to keep them bare right now because the coolness and the connection to my wood floor is making me feel more grounded right here and right now.
An elder friend’s voice on the phone, filled with awe and gratitude because she survived Covid-19, because I remember to call every day, because she can make me laugh. Virtual but so real.
Today I sat in the cool shade listening to a cardinal sing and feeling the breeze blow through my hair as I crocheted outside. Gentle gifts around us and beauty in the spring blossoms.
I love cardinals! Though the females are more drab in color, I always notice them more, because their specific drab color is found very few places in nature. And yes, all of these, for me as well, are gentle, and refreshing, gifts as spring blooms around us!
I just read this Pema Chodron quote this morning. This was an excellent reminder later in the day. Thinking of inviting the present moment makes all the difference.
We have so much. Our ability to connect through this medium and the human senses that allow such connection are often taken for granted.
The invited moments contain the best surprises.
On my walk today, I saw a bright green leaf laying flat on the dark wet pavement that looked like a perfect five pointed star. It reminded me of the stars in the sky and how everything is connected.
I am grateful for this truly simple yet transformative gift.
I love how the sun floods into my house in the early morning. It looks like the palm trees and the sun are dancing and it is being projected on my walls. Perhaps I will turn up the music and join them!
Having very recently emerged from a dark, traumatic and frightening few years, I can honestly say that everything I am experiencing right now fills me with wonder and awe! To sleep in a proper bed as opposed to the floor, to have a strong, hot shower, to be able to buy healthy food, to hear birdsong and breathe fresh air. Everything I look at right now seems marvelous, as if I’d seen it for the very first time, and I am so grateful to have survived and be alive to the miracles of life.
Bless you Sarah, and every best wish going forward, your little story is inspiring for those who face darkness in their lives. I have been very fortunate to have good physical and mental health throughout my life, so I try to listen and learn from others and hope that should change happen for me, I will remember how people like you have gotten to a better place.
Thankyou so much for your response to my story Bob. I’m so glad that it is able to inspire, just as I was inspired by the strength and determination of others to keep going and to réalise that Spring always follows Winter. All the very best to you
Sarah, thank you for writing this. I can’t imagine what you went through but am so glad that you have come out the other side. Wishing you small and large happinesses.
Thankyou so much Nancy. It’s wonderful to be able to write this!!! Thankyou too for your lovely wishes……I wish the same to you
This morning I stepped outside for a morning walk with my pup, Halo. With gratitude I embraced the quiet stillness, the magnificent sun warmly shining, and the beauty of nature that generously offers itself to us.
looking around at the incredible beauty nature provides in this pristine mountain setting leaves me in much better state of connection with the moment and how much opportunity each moment brings us.