a calm blue lake and blue sky with wispy clouds overhead



Explore Stop.Look.Go through this curated collection of resources and practices.


Want to be Happy? Be Grateful.

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
In his talk from TEDGlobal 2013, Br. David addresses how grateful living can change the…

Stop. Look. Go.

by Gnarly Bay
This stunning film of unhurried, unplugged summer days with family and friends, beautifully illustrates Br.…

Gratefulness has three steps: not missing the opportunity, appreciating the opportunity, and using or enjoying the opportunity. By this method we come fully alive, full of joy, which is what we are all longing for.

Br. David Steindl-Rast

Grateful living weaves greater awareness throughout all of our moments. Like other forms of practice, grateful living offers a way to approach, frame, and learn from everything that unfolds in our lives, allowing us to access deeper reserves of resilience and wisdom. When you commit to practicing something, you become its student. You become attuned to its presence and promise. The good news is that the path of practice is deeply merciful; there is no doing it wrong. There is only the gentle reminder and opportunity to return again and again to your intentions, perhaps just one more time today, or simply one delicious moment more than yesterday.

Br. David Steindl-Rast lays out a simple yet rich prescription for how to practice grateful living: Stop.Look.Go. Most of us know this maxim by heart from when we were children standing at the curb with an adult next to us. It helps us to harness our awareness, open all our senses, pay close attention, note the opportunities, and only then act purposefully. When we set out to meet the moments in our lives as if they are precious and truly matter, we cultivate attention, intention, and action: we stop, we look, and then we go. Following this rule preserved our lives as kids, and as adults it can help preserve our availability to the fullness of life.

Stop.Look.Go focuses us on cultivating three characteristics essential for a grateful life: presence, perspective, and possibility. When we stop, we become more present. When we look, we seek the gifts of a grateful perspective. When we go, we awaken possibility.

Excerpted from Wake Up Grateful: The Transformative Practice of Taking Nothing for Granted 

Digging Deeper

For continued exploration, dive into these additional resources on presence, perspective, and possibility.

A small green sprout above a person's open hand

How to Start a Gratitude Practice in 3 Simple Steps

by Joe Primo, Grateful Living
As a core methodology for living a grateful life, the foundational practice of Stop. Look.…
Two people sitting facing each other on a wall. Their bodies are visible from their necks down. One is wearing jeans and the other person is wearing shorts.

Create Belonging: Make an Improbable Friend

by Joe Primo, Grateful Living
A daily practice to create belonging by connecting with someone whose perspective differs from your…
Light shining through a large window.

You Are Here: Awakening to the Opportunities of Today

by Joe Primo, Grateful Living
A daily practice to empower yourself by awakening to the opportunities of the day ahead…
Silhouette of person on a tree swing at sunset

Discover Play as a Way of Being

by Sheryl Chard, Grateful Living
This practice invites you to take stock of the qualities that come alive when you…
Man climbing stairs toward light

Compelled by Hope

by Joe Primo, Grateful Living
This essay illustrates how grateful hope prepares us to acknowledge suffering and invites us to…
Kitchen sink filled with soaking dishes, up again a sunny window and a window sill with a small radio, herbs, and a fruit bowl.

Approaching Daily Tasks with Leisure

by Joe Primo, Grateful Living
A daily practice of giving time to what requires time and deepening your relationship to…