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  1. S
    Savannah Susanna

    Change brings the opportunity to grow. As a recent college graduate, I feared life after graduation. Life away from the people who became lifelong friends and those who became family in that shitty college apartment that felt exactly like home. I feared going from an athlete to a working professional. I feared who I would become. However, change doesn’t HAVE to change you. It just adds to you. Change, whether good or bad, adds more to you life resume. Change means more new stories to tell future children or grandchildren. Change means you CAN change as a person. You can find a new light to let yourself grow into someone you’ve always wanted to be. Change is so scary yet so exciting. There are so many possibilities on how it can shape you and your life. Change can change the trajectory of your life. Change brings so many new beginnings. Change allows for growth. Change allows for self-reflection. Change is necessary.

    11 months ago
  2. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    At first, change brings a feeling of difficulty to accept. However, when I calm down and silently sense this current moment, I am aware that change brings me more benefit than I thought. From change, I learn how to live-in acceptance, think of change as a surprise, not something out of plan. Think of how my life was surprised change to live in the U.S. I came here with a working visa. During the pandemic, there was no way for me to return to my country even though my visa expired. At that time, I think that even losing life, I want to stay with my family rather than in a faraway land. It was a hardship. Later, I met my husband in the U.S and married him, my life totally changed from temporarily staying in the U.S to permanently living in the U.S until now. At first, this change brought me fear and lack belief in a bright future. When I learn to live with change, it be better. I appreciate the change during the pandemic in my life.

    11 months ago
  3. Anna

    I grew up in a family where change was not accepted, there was a comfort zone and everything outside was wrong, no beauty, no joy, no truth.
    But change inevitably comes and when I chose change, at first, it was a tough battle.
    Now it’s a challenge, but it’s so natural, so energizing.
    it allows for more relationships, helps build bridges, supports joy and the discovery of beauty wherever I go.

    11 months ago
  4. Cathie

    I usually enjoy change-with it I appreciate I am never bored!

    11 months ago
  5. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    Change allows you to explore new things and learn from different experiences. After spending 10 days out of the country, I am happy to experience the change but yet welcome coming back to “Home sweet home”.

    11 months ago
    1. Michele

      I hope you enjoyed your visit to Scotland – you were missed… looking forward to hearing some of your adventures/stories.

      11 months ago
  6. Dolores Kazanjian80021
    Dolores Kazanjian

    I love change. I have a very low tolerance for boredom, and change for me is what keeps life interesting. I often change things just for the sake of it: meals, walking routes, what I;m reading or watching, whatever. Even change that appears negative can ultimately prove to have benefits in the long run. I know many people have trouble with change, as exemplified by the posts here (my husband is one of them), but that’s okay. People like me need folks like that to keep us grounded and to provide some consistency.

    11 months ago
  7. J
    Joao Cardoso

    I like thinking about changes (I usually relate this to new challenges), but it also makes me uncomfortable because I keep thinking about how things were. I was never scared about the unknown, but I noticed I am getting more conservative as time goes by (here I am not sure if me getting older/mature is playing a role and if my depression and anxiety are responsible for this).

    11 months ago
  8. m

    What I appreciate about change is that the bad times are always temporary and that life can change literally in an instant.

    11 months ago
    1. Dolores Kazanjian80021
      Dolores Kazanjian

      Yes, and often the “bad times” lead your life in a direction that turns out to be better. As Richard Rohr often says, “breakdown precedes breakthrough.”

      11 months ago
  9. Freda

    That it leads to maturity of the soul.

    11 months ago
    1. Michele

      ‘maturity of the soul’ – I like that, thanks Freda:)

      11 months ago
  10. Barb C
    Barb C

    Great timing for this question, as tomorrow I move into the AirBnb I’ll occupy while our home undergoes some remodeling (new kitchen and laundry, new flooring meaning we have to get everything moved out so they can work). Sunday I leave on a work trip for the week. LOTS of changes very quickly. In this activity, as with other changes, it offers the opportunity to consider and reconsider what I want to keep and what I want to release, and to make thoughtful choices about what I want in my life. Not having access to some elements of my life habits will give me space in which to do different things and I’m approaching this as an adventure.

    In other life changes it hasn’t always been my choice about what stays or goes so the lesson there has been to appreciate what I have and not waste mental or emotional energy on what I don’t have that isn’t coming back. This isn’t to say “don’t mourn or reflect”–it isn’t wasted energy if we lose someone we love and revisit memories to keep them close.

    11 months ago
  11. Nannette

    Change has always been hard for me- but as we know it happens and does not ask permission. I love the change of seasons…something new to celebrate with each new season. The seasons of our life…as we age we enter new seasons…new opportunities and new changes in our being. It takes me time to adapt to change- but that is life and I must go along with it! Blessings to all for a good day today!

    11 months ago
  12. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    Change is a constant. Going on
    around me all the time. Yet, I resist
    and fight it. Push back against it.
    fear it. I’m slowly (very slowly)
    learning to trust. Trust that change
    won’t kill me. When I embrace change
    I feel a newness. When I welcome change
    my life opens up and the possibilities
    appear. And now a lyric from Mr. David
    Bowie. The line I love is “I turned
    myself to face me”.

    “I still don’t know what I was looking for
    And my time was running wild
    a million dead-end streets
    Every time I thought I’d got it made
    it seemed the taste was not so sweet
    So I turned myself to face me
    but I’ve never caught a glimpse
    Of how the others must see the faker
    I’m much too fast to take that test”

    Happy Friday everyone 🙏

    11 months ago
    1. Freda

      🙏 Charlie T.

      11 months ago
    2. S
      Ana Maria

      Powerful lines!! I will keep them in mind as I am often too fast to take the test. Hiding behing the pleaser me to not confront anyone around me. Have and wonderful weekend and thank you for sharing!

      11 months ago
  13. Carol Ann Conner

    The only thing permanent in life is change so it’s wise to appreciate it instead of fighting or attempting to flee or deny it. In recent weeks some things have changed in my life that I have found hard to accept because they threatened my independence and I find myself playing the “what if game.” This question is a reminder that the “what if game” puts me in the past or the future and the strength I need is always in the present moment. Today’s the day, the eternal NOW, and I am doing well enough to get out and take my walk, to get my groceries and put gas in my car. For this, I am most grateful and I intend to smile from the depths of my being at everyone who crosses my path. As Leonard Cohen sang, “There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in!

    11 months ago
    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T

      Thank you, Carol.
      Your words inspire me. And
      that line from Leonard Cohen,
      really hit me. Caught me right
      in heart and throat.

      11 months ago
      1. Carol Ann Conner

        Charlie, Here’s a link to the entire poem by Cohen:

        11 months ago
  14. Yram

    My first response was NOTHING. After my gut response, I realized that my creativity, patience and trust emerges.

    11 months ago
  15. Carla

    I want to start my response with a touch of humor-receiving change puts a jingle in my pocket (nickels, dimes, a quarter or two) 😉 Reality of change in season, work, relationships, aging, etc. shows me what a creature of habit I am. In summer I wear light clothes, in winter I layer. my work start time differs if there’s staff meetings. Change challenges me to Trust Infinite God and not finite me.

    11 months ago
    1. Freda

      Amen to that!

      11 months ago
    2. Barb C
      Barb C

      Thanks for the laugh! There’s a child in our neighborhood who gets a kick out of throwing a handful of pennies onto the street in our little cul-de-sac for the sights and sounds this provides. His grandpa patiently restocks him. Pretty much every time I go for a walk if I want a lucky penny there’s one in my path.

      11 months ago

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