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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    6 months ago

    I was up early and did some things around the house to help out and then off to take care of my wellbeing for a restful evening on the sailboat.

  2. barba
    6 months ago

    Be patient with my mother, listen to her

  3. Carol Ann Conner
    6 months ago

    I took an action early this morning which for me was not small. Even though I have tummy issues that make it hard for me to be out and about early in the morning, I went to the Farmer’s Market and met a couple of friends and we went out for breakfast. This action contributed to my well being and hopefully to their well being, too. I found a meditation on youtube yesterday which was very helpful to me and wanted to share it here. It’s a reminder to have compassion for one’s self. I hope you will check it out.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      I do not particularly care for guided meditations Carol. The focus on the inhale for myself and the exhale for the others in this world was an interesting concept. Thank you again.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        6 months ago

        I thought so, too, Joseph. I found that starting with self compassion made me aware of the tension in my body. Yesterday’s quote: “The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.” was a reminder of the importance of the body. Breathing in for myself helps me to relax and truly accept and embrace the world with compassion instead of judgement.

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      Thank you, Carol. I will check it out.

  4. Barb C
    Barb C
    6 months ago

    I’ve already shared two poems with my daughters this morning–a practice that I started at some point that they tell me they miss if I go too long without recording one for them.

    I also told my husband I appreciate him as well as love him. I don’t ever want to take him for granted.

    I’ll be heading outside soon to cut a colander full of the salad greens I grow so we can have fresh salad today. I put in a variety of seeds in early spring and they’ve been producing ever since. I reseeded not long ago to bring on new crops as these plants eventually give up and bolt. My two raised beds hold arugula, rainbow chard, kale, mixed lettuces, spinach, romaine, and bok choi.

    We’ll likely take a walk today as well as tomorrow. When we walk laps around our little neighborhood loop we smile, wave, greet, and chat with neighbors out walking or working in their yards, which contributes to the overall neighborliness of the place we live. When we walk into downtown we pick up trash along the way to make the sidewalk cleaner for everyone.

  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    6 months ago

    I like to send friends little bits of what I’m
    reading. If I read a short passage or a
    Buddhist parable that I particularly like,
    I’ll text or email it to a friend. Especially if it
    pertains to something we have been
    talking about.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      6 months ago

      I sometimes do the same, Charlie. Yesterday I had lunch with a friend I haven’t seen in a while and learned that her 18-year-old cat had died. She mentioned she misses cats and needs a cat picture now and then. Later I texted her with a couple of pictures of our cat Tiggs. I’ll try to remember to send her a cat picture at random times now and again.

      1. Michele
        6 months ago

        suggestion – if you can obtain a pic of her cat you can personalize a mug with it 🙂

  6. Carla
    6 months ago

    Too often I trouble shoot with opinion, and observations that I think will help others. Today-I’ll listen more and talk less.

    Like Michele, I too miss those who frequented these pages in the past. I wish them well and send peaceful greetings ‘cross the Universe.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      6 months ago

      I work at (and don’t always succeed at!) asking what kind of listening someone needs. “Are you telling me because you need to vent, or are you asking for advice?” I’m a “fixer” and will jump in with all kinds of good ideas someone may absolutely not want so I need to ask for consent.

      1. Yram
        6 months ago

        Long time ago I came across the 3 H’s
        Do I/you need to be

      2. Michele
        6 months ago

        Barb – that is a great suggestion to ask those questions, thank you!

  7. pkr29022
    6 months ago

    Be kind.
    Send out love & light to the Universe, positive vibes.❤️✨

  8. L
    Loc Tran
    6 months ago

    My nieces, Waverly and Harper, are spending the weekend at my place with my parents. Spending some quality time with them is my way to contribute to the well-being of my family. Even just a little bit of time like 30 minutes can make a huge difference. Relating to children doesn’t come naturally to me as an aspy an introvert.

  9. Michele
    6 months ago

    Spread loving kindness, be positive. smile at strangers
    Have a great weekend everyone. yum!

    I also want to say that I miss/and think about ppl who used to reflect on here-> Dusty Su, Holly in Ohio, Pollyanna, Jose/Jorge, can’t remember which name
    and I hope Kevin is ok too

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      This site is like life. Impermanent.

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      me, too…blessings to all who have ever shared on this site.

    3. Barb C
      Barb C
      6 months ago

      And Christine who lost her beloved husband, then found a new love, then suddenly discovered she didn’t have long to live and said goodbye to us. I think about them too.

      Creme brulee–one of my favorites! I just need a little blowtorch to brulee the creme.

      1. Michele
        6 months ago

        oh yes, definitely Christine.

  10. Nannette
    6 months ago

    For me- to be kinder and more patient with my husband, Peter. We are going through a transition since my heart attack. At my visit the other day to have my cardiac device checked and see a PA…it seemed that my condition may be more serious than at first we thought. This is VERY frightening…and I hope when I go back for my visit to Cardiology that I can get more information. Peter has been homebound with me…and that is extremely hard for him. He has taken over some of my tasks as well. I try to do what I need to do in the house- but it is not always easy. So as the prayer says…love is patient and love is kind!! i have to LIVE that! Easy words to say but sometimes not as easy to practice. I won’t see anyone else besides my husband today…so he is the one I need to contribute to his well being. Of course, my animals too!! Clancy my wonderful dog and Finn and Nora – my hooligan cats!! God Bless One and All…and I am wishing you a wonderful day. We need rain desperately…WV is in a State of Emergency due to a drought…farmers are losing crops and worried about their livestock.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      Healing and moisture laden thoughts Nannette.

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      Don’t forget to have compassion for yourself…this guided meditation helps me

    3. pkr29022
      6 months ago

      Praying for you dear Nannette.🙏🏻

    4. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Nannette, I’m not the best at handling discomfort myself. Based on 2nd hand experience from relative members and 1st hand to a varying degree, it’s very easy to take our discomfort and dump it on to those around us. I’ve been on both sides in all my relationships from past to present, more so, the receiving end. The person I hurt was Paw Mu. The person who gets hurt the most from us is always the partner/spouse.

  11. Laura
    6 months ago

    Be myself.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Laura, I see where you’re going with this. To expand upon my answer from above, the key is can we do it in an environment that goes against our nature? Easier said than done. A couple weeks ago dating back to the question about fear and love, I’ve noticed myself turning a corner at Traditional Vietnamese social gatherings. Suzuki methods have been working effectively.

  12. Patti
    6 months ago

    Be the light – share the light and the good energy that it is. Smile, be patient and kind.

  13. Antoinette88615
    6 months ago

    I can pass out the Oslo meditation brochures. 😎🙏

  14. D
    6 months ago

    I can give a smile, a hug and a listening ear to those around me today.

  15. Tyler Muskrat
    Tyler Muskrat
    6 months ago

    My goodness like yesterday’s question I cannot give a simple answer. I will have to see depending on what town I roll into today. Depending on any given situation.

    So I cannot answer I guess, I admire those who can give a simple direct response.

    1. Tyler Muskrat
      Tyler Muskrat
      6 months ago

      I really have no idea. Maybe I should have waited to answer later. Try to mould my answer to the asker’s clear instruction. Next time. Might take practice.

      1. Tyler Muskrat
        Tyler Muskrat
        6 months ago

        Wait I feel I have a more appropriate answer for my given situation and present condition.

        More like what actions should I not take.

        I should avoid certain things that will take care of it automatically by not doing so.

        1. Tyler Muskrat
          Tyler Muskrat
          6 months ago

          My goodness Ok fine simple answer got one I can hold the door for someone multiple times multiple people so actions really are possible if it’s only a single act there you go an exact answer for you.

          How does that tiny gesture contribute to someone’s well-being?

          Well it isn’t a rude thing to do if I were not to hold the door for someone perfectly capable of holding it themselves they might take offense and get worked up maybe they have a weak heart or emotional struggle so lighten someone’s load a bit with a door hold oh my goodness should have taken a step back on this one today.

          1. Nannette
            6 months ago

            Alienyzed; Some days, it seems we cannot think of an answer that we think is “good”…but don’t worry- just speak from your heart!! No one judges your answer- We are just very happy to hear from you…and we always learn from other’s answers. Holding a door for someone is a GREAT gift!! If someone is “healthy” (and how do we know that)…holding a door is a kind gesture. I have a heart condition and some of the doors seem beyond me…so heavy! You would not know that I have something wrong with me…But WOW!! You would really make a difference in my day!! Go with your heart…you can never go wrong. Have a great day!!

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