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  1. Kevin

    I am rich with daughters!

    1 year ago
  2. H

    I am extraordinarily lucky. I am healthy. I live in a gorgeous apartment. I have a roof over my head. No one in my nuclear family has suffered a great tragedy. I have a large extended family. I love the people in my life. I have a lot of friends. I am very very lucky.

    1 year ago
  3. Robin Ann

    Rich in family, close friends and loving pets, a great team of co-workers, living in the beautiful Ocean State. Health is also my wealth right now. A roof over my head, clean water and food to eat. Rich in finding this wonderful community of beautiful souls : )!

    1 year ago
  4. luv-1-nutter

    Living the word that God says I carry what you have and I preserve what you lack.. rich in my presence and knowing that if I live or if I die is the same way of meaningful purpose. Love, peace and harmony šŸ™

    1 year ago
    1. Carol


      1 year ago
  5. Carol

    When I read todayā€™s question ā€œHow am I rich?ā€ I thought of Stephen Sondheimā€™s song ā€œSend in the Clownsā€from the 1973 musical ā€œA Little Night Music.ā€ The “clowns” in the lyrics and title of the song do not specifically refer to circus clowns. The sense is rather of jesters and fools, as Sondheim explained in a 1990 interview:

    Sondheim said ā€œI got a lot of letters over the years asking what the title means and what the song’s about; I never thought it would be in any way esoteric. I wanted to use theatrical imagery in the song, because sheā€™s [main character] an actress, but it’s not supposed to be [about]a circus …[I]t’s a theater reference meaning “if the show isn’t going well, let’s send in the clowns”; in other words, “let’s do the jokes.” I always want to know, when I’m writing a song, what the end is going to be, so “Send in the Clowns” didn’t settle in until I got the notion, “Don’t bother, they’re here”, which means that “We are the fools.”

    Or as my sponsor in a twelve step program use to say, ā€œWhen we know better, we do better.ā€

    We forsake some of our folly for willingness. This self awareness never comes easily but it is such a gift and learning about and accepting my self has enriched my life and helped me to grow. Every time I own my thoughts, my feelings and my actions, I grow in my ability to respond rather than react to life.
    I love listening to Judy Collins sing ā€œSend in the Clowns.ā€ The song is about the main character in ā€œA Little Night Musicā€ missing the chance to marry a man who she realizes she has always loved but for me, it seems to be a dialogue between my ego and my true selfā€”a reminder of the importance of forgiving myself for my foolishness and committing my self to doing better.
    Hope you have time to listen to Collins sing ā€œSend in the Clowns.ā€–9NejlA&index=8

    1 year ago
    1. Nannette

      Thank you, Carol. Your words today are filled with thought…I will read them several times as I know there are several lessons for me. Thank you for your wisdom. I look forward to your responses every day. And thank you for Judy Collin’s voice today- she is one of the greats. Wishing you a wonderful day. Blessings

      1 year ago
    2. luv-1-nutter

      Very thought-provoking ..thank you !
      reminded me of a time growing up.. before I was old enough to realize my neighbor was one of Neil Sondheim’s children, and her name was Mary I thought I wish I could’ve married her. And there were other music entities my neighbor Bernie Lowe was the founder of Motown records and discovered chubby checker.šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘

      1 year ago
  6. Charlie T

    One of my jobs is to serve wealthy people.
    At times, It has been difficult and my
    self esteem (ego) can really be affected.
    I am learning to keep things in perspective
    and live with gratitude.
    I am rich in experiences and I am rich
    in friendships. I am also rich in thought
    and curiosity. I am rich in desire and
    loyalty. I am rich in kindness and laughter.
    Thank you for this question. I look
    forward to reading all of your responses. šŸ™

    1 year ago
    1. Laura

      I appreciate your thoughtful posts, Charlie, and agree with Ana Maria that the people you serve ā€” wealthy or not ā€” are better for your presence.

      1 year ago
    2. A
      Ana Maria

      How Powerful!!! Thank you for sharing living with your experience. To serve is a gift, they are richer not because of their monetary wealth but because they are in your presence. Your energy transmits peacefulness and wisdom. You are rich! I love your long list of richness.

      1 year ago
    3. Carol

      Charlie T, Your response warms my heart!

      1 year ago
  7. Barb C

    Oh, so many ways! Rich in love, friends, family, the world around me with all that it holds, sunshine, clean water, birds singing, food to eat and a bed to sleep in, meaningful work and yes, the money that work brings me to make my life more comfortable than it would be without it, though it’s nowhere near wealth as people account for money.

    1 year ago
  8. Nannette

    I am richer than I ever thought possisble. I have a wonderful husband, a great home (as my husband described it last night…our house is not -all the homes are “SMART.”..Huh! I will take our NOT smart home any day!!)…rich in the love I give and receive from my cats and dog. Rich in the beauty of our land…money? We have enough to eat and do as we want..we are not rich but we are not poor…many years of hard work- did pan out for my husband. I worked – but was not as wise as he. We are blessed more than I would or could have ever imagined. For now we have our health- we have to watch it and be mindful of what we are doing (that I know after a visit to my doctor on Monday…weight up (thus we have more than enough food!)…cholesterol and triglycerides elevated (food again!!). Peter and I can both work around our land…he is putting fence posts in this morning… I thank God for our Blessings and I am so very grateful and rich with all of you here- for your musings, your kindness, your love and support. Blessings to everyone today and every day. Thank you.

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Oh Nanette, how I love your wise answers! I thank you!!

      1 year ago
  9. sunnypatti

    Rich in love, family, good health, and all my needs are met.

    1 year ago
  10. Joseph McCann

    As in a molten lava chocolate cake with whipped cream on top? I have never worked where the wages were anything to brag about although I have become very wealthy over time. The practice of gratitude has helped me become aware of that. Becoming alcohol free, once again, has helped also. This question reminds me of something my mother relayed to me after a summers long visit my father spent with us when our children were about 10 and 12. She told me that a little while after he returned home, he randomly spoke “I don’t think they have a lot of extra cash but they eat well.”

    1 year ago
    1. Barb C

      And now I want cake…. šŸ˜„

      1 year ago
      1. Carol

        Me, too!

        1 year ago
  11. Laura

    Oh, my goodness … two loving daughters, a roof over my head, transportation, a job, enough food to eat, indoor plumbing, books to read, this inspiring online community, the wonders of our beautiful Earth, Divine fingerprints everywhere, the steady in and out of my breath.
    What a great question this morning. Thank you.

    1 year ago
    1. Sheila

      Laura, I love what you said,”Divine fingerprints everywhere “. Thank you for sharing those beautiful words!šŸŒ·

      1 year ago
      1. Laura

        Thanks, Sheila.

        1 year ago
  12. EJP

    I am rich in my multitude of blessings.

    1 year ago
  13. Antoinette

    Iā€™m rich with truth! So grateful for the opportunity to let go of the falseness and become one with the light while we are alive ! So joyful! Thank you !

    1 year ago
  14. Sheila

    Rich in good health, loving family and friends, having learned to be grateful and taking nothing for granted. I am SO abundantly blessed and rich!!! Thank you kindly to everyone who shares their reflections! šŸ’žšŸ™šŸŒŸšŸŒˆ

    1 year ago
  15. Don Jones

    Rich in warmth, openness, kindness and Spirit. When I came into this world, I came without a single investment. So, whatever ends up happening in this all too brief life, I can only be in profit.

    1 year ago

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