How can I show care for myself right now? accept and approve of myself knowing the divine created me; that I have been given the opportunity (by the Divine) of a life, this manifestation, to create the highest in this form….a golden opportunity to live, be, my best.
By coming to this site! Today was a hectic day as I have a team of professionals helping my daughter start a new program soon.
As Charlie said “celebrate small victories”, I feel Like today was a big victory and I can again have renewed hope. Blessings to everyone not feeling that well today and hope tomorrow is a better day : )
I have not been feeling well this week (unusual for me) so I am slowing down and letting myself rest. Paying attention to my breathing is also helping. I hope to be back to my usual healthy self soon.
By letting everything be the way it is.
I woke up a bit “off” today. There’s nothing in particular going on, just not the most enjoyable version of myself I’ve ever experienced. I can sit with it, smile at how strange life can be and let it exist. Maybe it will pass, maybe it will continue, whatever happens isn’t for me to decide. I can give myself a little extra space today, a bit more patience, and listen to what my body is trying to tell me.
I started work 30 minutes later than usual and used that time to have a good cry in the bathroom. For me, wiping tears away is wiping sadness away. And now that I’m at peace again, I can show up with a smile on my face!
This question made me get off the sofa and cook breakfast because I was hungry. Eggs from my friend’s happy hens over new potatoes with homemade pesto, and a cup of hot coffee my sweetheart made for me. The rain that was drumming on the roof has stopped and I’m enjoying the fresh air and the quiet of our little neighborhood. Waiting to think about work things until after my morning routine represents care for myself. Teleworking and work apps on my phone make it too easy to feel like I’m at work the entire day so I make sure I take time in the morning to start my day with poetry, coffee, and time with my husband.
I’m dealing with a health issue that stirs up my monkey mind. I have to be extremely vigilant in monitoring my self talk and I find doing a body scan several times a day helpful. Also, visiting this site and journaling are helpful practices. Writing has always been a helpful tool in my self care kit!
Right now is: my quiet time to be with this group, do spiritual readings, and plan my day. So my care for myself, is to appreciate and be thankful for the time.
I could be more gentle with myself.
A little less judgmental and more
forgiving. Maybe celebrate the small
victories and the things that are going
well in my life. And of course, continuing
my practices. In fact, re committing to
them and pushing deeper into them.
By sitting here in my garden with my coffee, loving and appreciating the breeze in the trees around me and seeing the bumblebees in my scarlet runner beans. So grateful for a cool day after yesterday’s humidity.
My body would love a good swim : maybe Walden Pond today!
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I can show care for myself by gently and gracefully guiding myself toward living the habits I want, one minute at a time.
How can I show care for myself right now? accept and approve of myself knowing the divine created me; that I have been given the opportunity (by the Divine) of a life, this manifestation, to create the highest in this form….a golden opportunity to live, be, my best.
By coming to this site! Today was a hectic day as I have a team of professionals helping my daughter start a new program soon.
As Charlie said “celebrate small victories”, I feel Like today was a big victory and I can again have renewed hope. Blessings to everyone not feeling that well today and hope tomorrow is a better day : )
Sleeping well at night would be helpful. Starting today again – so good night, dear friends, and have a good sleep you all out there!
Those days when I find myself in knots, gently remind myself, “It doesn’t have to be this way”.
I have not been feeling well this week (unusual for me) so I am slowing down and letting myself rest. Paying attention to my breathing is also helping. I hope to be back to my usual healthy self soon.
By letting everything be the way it is.
I woke up a bit “off” today. There’s nothing in particular going on, just not the most enjoyable version of myself I’ve ever experienced. I can sit with it, smile at how strange life can be and let it exist. Maybe it will pass, maybe it will continue, whatever happens isn’t for me to decide. I can give myself a little extra space today, a bit more patience, and listen to what my body is trying to tell me.
I started work 30 minutes later than usual and used that time to have a good cry in the bathroom. For me, wiping tears away is wiping sadness away. And now that I’m at peace again, I can show up with a smile on my face!
This question made me get off the sofa and cook breakfast because I was hungry. Eggs from my friend’s happy hens over new potatoes with homemade pesto, and a cup of hot coffee my sweetheart made for me. The rain that was drumming on the roof has stopped and I’m enjoying the fresh air and the quiet of our little neighborhood. Waiting to think about work things until after my morning routine represents care for myself. Teleworking and work apps on my phone make it too easy to feel like I’m at work the entire day so I make sure I take time in the morning to start my day with poetry, coffee, and time with my husband.
Pause, smile, breathe deeply and allow myself to fully engage in meaningful work.
I can show care by giving myself permission to make mistakes and to remember that true learning is hard but so, so beneficial to my journey
I’m dealing with a health issue that stirs up my monkey mind. I have to be extremely vigilant in monitoring my self talk and I find doing a body scan several times a day helpful. Also, visiting this site and journaling are helpful practices. Writing has always been a helpful tool in my self care kit!
Right now is: my quiet time to be with this group, do spiritual readings, and plan my day. So my care for myself, is to appreciate and be thankful for the time.
I could be more gentle with myself.
A little less judgmental and more
forgiving. Maybe celebrate the small
victories and the things that are going
well in my life. And of course, continuing
my practices. In fact, re committing to
them and pushing deeper into them.
Yes I like that celebrate small victories!
Great advice!
Your response helped me, Charlie. Thanks for articulating this.
By sitting here in my garden with my coffee, loving and appreciating the breeze in the trees around me and seeing the bumblebees in my scarlet runner beans. So grateful for a cool day after yesterday’s humidity.
My body would love a good swim : maybe Walden Pond today!
Is that Walden Pond in Mass?
I grew up swimming in Walden pond!