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  1. barba

    I’ve been listening to a 9-hour-long podcast interview with an astronaut from the ISS for a few days.
    What a life, what a perspective.

    20 hours ago
  2. Robin Ann

    This evening what is on my mind is my daughter’s great outpatient mental health organization. Tomorrow we will do a zoom with all of her caregiver’s and they will update me on her progress. This is something the family advocate has set up. I can’t say enough how much they have all been so great and wonderful in supporting my daughter : )

    23 hours ago
    1. Yram

      This is refreshing to hear.

      10 hours ago
  3. AeKatrina69457

    Miracles do exist and of course we know the Lord Himself will bountifully give us a miracle ‘everyday’ of some sort, if we just open our eyes and look around us. We may not always see large ones, but somedays very small ones, but one will be waiting for us!

    Two weeks ago I was to have a’ EUS’ which is a surgical/procdure, an Endoscopic Gastro Ultrasound, with Biopsy of a 6CM cyst on my pancreas. It was watched for two yrs with MRI’s, as it ‘kept growing’ . I was referred by my Oncologist/Hematologist ( as I do have Leukemia and other problems) (Unknown to me, the referrral was done so was a surprised with the phone call, of course) so was sent to the Gastroenterologist. They called to see me the ‘next day!’ So my sister in law (a nurse) went with me. He said ” They felt it had grown large enough that it was a concern to them, but not anything that was an emergency at this moment, but thought it really should be checked.” Now smaller ones can dissapear, but larger one normally do not. This was quickly as it was growing for two yrs.

    So the day came and I did have this done, and after the procedure they told me ” It disappeared!!” The cyst left! Not smaller, but left! So will need to go back in three years to have this done again, and the MRI’s will check once in awhile, to be sure it is not coming back.

    This I feel was a miracle and feel I can thank the Lord for his healing, as He was saying He was not ready for me to deal with that or for my husband and family to deal with it right now! Our Lord must have said. We up here , are not quite ready for you either!’ lol He knows how I can get myself into funny situations at times!

    But our Lord is wonderful and He does come to our aide and the angels hear and pray when we do pray to them, We sometimes feel it is not a miracle and we have been left without the Lords aide, when we are sick in ways we do not understand, but we do learn so much as we get through them! We become more compassionate to others who have illnesses. We know it will come and one will take us to the world where our Lord will grant us peace and beauty, that we never have seen before! It is hard to face leaving what we know here, but yet we do know our bodies cannot live on here forever! When we were born into this body and life , we did not undersand what was before us either.

    But we can be thanful for any miracle we see each day, no matter how large or small it may be, and just pray about them all and for all around us! I know many have had miracles like this and even larger and we just thank Jesus for any miracle we receive!

    23 hours ago
    1. Robin Ann

      Such wonderful news!! I do believe in miracles too : )

      23 hours ago
  4. O.Christina

    Unexpected, it happened that in a moment of deep sadness, a dear friend was alongside offering consolation and understanding, and finally helped even sorting out my own part of a “revival” of a long past traumatic situation. To have been blessed with the opportunity to understand that I was not able to surrender to truly held values and His Love was first inducing panic and then almost unexpected, it was possible to start with! I am deeply grateful for dear friends and kindred hearts for having been intensely helped at this crucial point. From my heart, and with joy, a big thank you! Something seems to moving to the better, finally. Wishing such movement for all who suffer. May you don´t give up hope, dear friends and that light may shine for you all, too.

    1 day ago
  5. Chuck R

    Yes, my husband who has Parkinson’s change his medication and within 48 hours his entire demeanor has changed for the better, including walking and functioning throughout the day. He has been really challenged for almost a year and now is doing 90% better since early May. Yes, a big surprise.

    1 day ago
    1. Robin Ann

      This happened to one of my friend’s husband also, extreme difference and seemingly back to almost normal with the meds.

      23 hours ago
  6. Dolores Kazanjian

    I broke my leg not great but meaningful. On a positive note, some surprising people have v through for me. One I just heard from was someone who is not normally expressive.

    1 day ago
  7. Charlie T

    Life continues to surprise me.
    When I can relax into the flow, and
    go with the current, not fighting or
    resisting, but instead, gently steering
    myself in a direction, things appear in
    my view. Things have been clicking
    into place lately. Everything happening
    right on time. This is all a surprise and
    am grateful for all of it.
    I spent the night in my new place last night.
    I watched the moon transit the sky from
    my bed. There’s still much work to be done.
    Hard work. My body is exhausted, but my
    heart is full of love and gratitude.
    This is all a surprise to me. I never expected
    to be here.

    1 day ago
    1. Carol

      Charlie, It sounds very exciting. I am happy for you.

      23 hours ago
  8. L
    Loc Tran

    Ngoc and I were talking exactly about that during our walk last night. It was on her mind. Life hasn’t surprised me at all recently, but it will happen on its terms. Once it does, I’m well-prepared. For me, it can be just as simple as: awareness, presence, and observation. Strategies come up on their time. Surprises don’t feel so surprising.

    1 day ago
  9. Yram

    A friend came to help me in the garden. She is very plant name savvy. What I considered a weed she knew the name and its properties.

    1 day ago
  10. Palm

    All the things that have gone well. I feel gratitude and hope

    1 day ago
  11. sunnypatti

    Not really a surprise, but I was reminded by life that prayer and staying positive for what feels right still works!

    1 day ago
    1. Robin Ann


      23 hours ago
    2. Palm


      1 day ago
  12. J

    I’ve been stuck in a rut for awhile but recently started putting it effort into my routine again. Things in my life seem to be moving and flowing instead of being motionless because I am actually trying to live my life instead of it just passing by me. Of course, there’s been a few times where I’ve slipped up and didn’t go about my day how I intended but I can practice loving kindness to myself. For that, I am grateful. 🧡

    1 day ago
    1. Pilgrim

      Wonderful, my friend!

      1 day ago
  13. Josie

    Yesterday Dave, a generous service station owner repaired a $615 dent on my car …..and charged me nothing!! I still experience gratitude in my heart for this gracious action, done by a fine gentleman. Such a wonderful surprise!!

    1 day ago
  14. Avril

    My oldest daughter has surprised me twice this week. She has been a late bloomer; she is 9 years younger than my son and was 9 when I married my husband and acquired a step-sister. So, she was essentially an only child. She mastered the art of the temper tantrum and far outused its appropriateness. However, this summer, she has really improved her communication skills. She was in therapy, and it paid off. She is about to begin a rigorous high school program and is ready to become organized and disciplined to get the most out of it. She’s been an absolute joy.

    2 days ago
    1. Yram

      This is beautiful! It also reflects back on the love your family has given to each other. It requires a village.

      1 day ago
    2. Pilgrim


      1 day ago
  15. Carol

    My daughter arrives this weekend for a visit. I have not seen her for two years.

    2 days ago
    1. Michele

      OMG! Have a wonderful time with your daughter!!

      13 hours ago
    2. Yram


      1 day ago
    3. Nannette

      Oh Carol, That is wonderful. I hope you enjoy every minute. How blessed for this visit. Thinking of you!!

      1 day ago
    4. Avril

      That’s awesome

      2 days ago

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