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  1. Robin Ann

    Just knowing they are a storm and all storms shall pass. Remembering that I am a strong person and that God will never give me more than I can’t handle.

    1 year ago
  2. O.Christina

    I don´t know if they transformed me. They have possibly blown away some fixed perspectives, reduced deep imprinted fear, forced to let go of expectations and wrong ideas “I” held, while in the same time, giving way for more of authenticity and integrity and courage. Thank you for this question.

    1 year ago
  3. luv-1-nutter

    transformation is a word meaning progress which is illusion; It’s the process of cleansing. For example I’m in the shower but I’m being criticized for that one black spot on a white cloth.

    1 year ago
  4. Pilgrim

    Storms in life have made me both wary and strong, and often enough, creative enough to keep going. I have been graced with a few really good people, wise, tender, “on my side,” who have been there for me in whatever ways I have needed. Blessed.

    1 year ago
  5. Charlie T

    I’m still the same basic goofball that
    I’ve always been, but, I would like to
    think that I am a little more thoughtful,
    a little kinder, a little more forgiving,
    a little more accepting, and definitely
    more willing.
    And hopefully a little less angry, slightly
    less envious, a little less doubtful, and a
    lot less untrusting.
    I have been forged by crisis and I am
    formed by the events and experiences
    that I have been exposed to.
    This is who I am.

    1 year ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Very nice.

      1 year ago
    2. Don Jones

      My mother used to say that the best steel has to endure the hottest flames.

      1 year ago
  6. Barb C

    Storms may have shaped or redirected me, put me on the paths that led me to where I am today, gave me some measure of equanimity and acceptance that I can weather future storms. They didn’t necessarily transform the inner core of who I am; they may have changed outward circumstances. I wrote a blog post a while back about my recognition that everything that has happened in my life has shaped who I am today. Whether it was storm or sunshine, it’s in me now.

    1 year ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Thank you for the link, Barb C. Words for contemplation.

      1 year ago
  7. Carol

    In what ways have the storms of life transformed me? Transformation is a powerful word and it hinges not just on choice but more precisely on willingness. In my life it has occurred most frequently when all my choices have brought me to a point of surrender, a point where I have forsaken all choices and have become vulnerable enough to be chosen. Change happens and I do not necessarily have to be willing but transformation involves an awakening. It involves a greater self-awareness–a growth in consciousness. The storms in my life have taught me the importance of being willing. I see it as my job. Let instead of Get. Be before I Do. Real-ize (eyes) that we are all creator. Evolve instead of being trapped in a revolving door.

    Mark 7:14 “Hear me all of you and understand. Nothing that enters from outside can defile that person; but the things that comes out from within are what defile.”

    Do we understand that we are creator?
    We create the reality we cannot bear to see.
    We create the reality that the world has come to be.
    With our beliefs, we will what will be.

    1 year ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Thank you Carol.

      1 year ago
    2. Charlie T

      I love this. Preach on, Carol! 😁

      1 year ago
  8. Yram

    My personal storms, tornados, setbacks, disappointment bring out in me patience, reflection, and change. I have a much harder time with the societal wrong doings which bring me anger and disappointment. I tend not to be transformed but fearful and intimidated by the enormity of the situations.

    1 year ago
    1. Rabbit

      Yram, I completely agree. Thank you. You said it better than I can.

      1 year ago
  9. Rabbit

    The trouble with storms is paying too much attention makes me think that is all there is. Two murders in my childhood neighborhood just this weekend. This is where I get groceries and do other errands. It is sad and makes me afraid to go out. It was the better neighborhood in my growing up years but not now. Then again this seems to be happening everywhere. The times we are living in seem pretty stormy and scary. Sorry to voice the bad today but it is the truth. It makes me feel like I should just stay in my warren.

    1 year ago
    1. Nannette

      Oh Rabbit, I am so sorry. I wish you were able to move….to a safer place. Can you have groceries delivered? It is terrible that what goes on in the outside world affects us so….I pray for you…You will be safe, my friend. We cannot allow the hoodlums to control us…but that I know is not easy. Thinking of you.

      1 year ago
  10. Nannette

    The storms of life have made me who I am…Some storms refreshing and marking renewal. Others…difficult…trudging through the unknown..but coming out into the sunshine and the sounds of the birds singing. I am strong…I am woman…and I got this!!

    1 year ago
    1. Rabbit

      I am invincible! Helen Reddy right? Might have to listen to that today.

      1 year ago
      1. Nannette

        Yes, Rabbit…and I think we need a little of that every day!

        1 year ago
      2. Barb C

        Followed by Aretha Franklin with R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

        1 year ago
  11. sunnypatti

    They have shown me how strong and capable I am and have helped me find the peace I was searching for all along. I still encounter storms, as they’re part of this human life, but I know better how to deal with them now, and for that I am ever grateful.

    1 year ago
  12. Michele

    They make you dig down deep for strength to continue on. Resiliency.

    1 year ago
  13. Laura

    The storms have strengthened me and made more resilient. At times I hated going through some of my life experiences, but those experiences helped me become more emotionally sturdy. I hope, also, that I’ve come out kinder and more patient toward others who face their own struggles.

    1 year ago
  14. Joseph McCann

    I have worked out of doors my entire life, experiencing many memorable storms. In my 24th year, herding sheep by Glacier Lake, above timberline in the South San Juan Wilderness the thunder heads could be seen moving in. Then I could hear the clouds and they sounded like a freight train. 2400 ewes and lambs grazing peacefully, seemingly oblivious to the approaching storm. Not the appaloosa. She was a seasoned horse but grew nervous. I rode to a scrub pine, tied her off and crawled under. Now the cause of the freight train noise was apparent. Hail. When it had finished the mare was as much under that lone scrub pine as she could be, with me. Not a sheep in sight. They fled in many directions down to where the timber ended. We all ducked for cover. I had used alcohol as my “duck to cover” mechanism when life’s metaphorical storms have come. It worked until it didn’t. Many storms were created by my drinking, and I drank more to escape them. Like a snake eating its tail. In my addict mind no escape. There is one, my abstinence. Namaste.

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Powerful! I thank you for sharing!

      1 year ago
    2. Nannette

      Joseph, Your life story and wisdom helps me every day. Wishing you only good things for all of your days. Thank you.

      1 year ago
  15. W

    I’ve learned they come and go. I’ve learned fighting the winds can strengthen and/or exhaust my resolve. I’ve learned no one is exempt from storms.

    1 year ago

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