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  1. Barb C

    Yesterday was a long work day that started far too early and I didn’t have time to answer this but I wanted to so I’m back a day late.
    For years I’ve been writing occasional “letters to the future” for each of my 2 daughters. I write about what’s going on in their lives, as far as I know about it, and what’s happening in my life or what I’m feeling at my age. It started as the chronicle for them to read about themselves someday through my eyes. Then I mentioned this to one of my brothers. He said he loved the idea, and that what he’d want to know if he had letters from our dad was what was going on for Dad himself, to get a sense of his thoughts and life changes so that when he reached an age he’d know how Dad felt when he was the same age. I added that in as a topic I address at times.
    The letters are very sporadic, sometimes with years between them now (my writing mostly goes into my journals); this is a reminder to write one to each of them soon. I don’t write to them on the exact same schedule; sometimes something moves has moved me to write a letter to one because of what’s going on for her.. I have a notebook for each of them with the letters. They know about them and asked when I would pass them along. I don’t have a specific age for them in mind, and maybe these just add up until I die–not sure.

    1 year ago
  2. M
    Mit Modi

    Throughout my life, I have met many people who helped me to reach where I am. But today I want to write a letter to my mother. She is a strong woman who had just one goal, “give all the education possible so I can have a better life”. And she did provide me a good education, and allowed me to study abroad. If she wasn’t there I can imagine my life doing farming in a small village, which is not bad but struggling one. So I would like to thank her for whatever she did for me and also appreciate all of her sacrifices.

    1 year ago
  3. Robin Ann

    I just so happened to pick up 2 greeting cards at Trader Joes tonight. I have never bought any there but they caught my eye and they are all very unique! I shall send my Mom’s good friend (my adopted Mother over the years) a thank you note. She spoiled me the other day for my bday. I also bought a card to send to my daughter. I have always tried to be supportive with sending cards to her during rehab. When my children were young I would write little notes on their napkins in their bag lunches . I hope they remember that fondly, it was fun to do : ). Yesterday, I received a txt msg from my son’s best friend wishing me a wonderful belated birthday and he told me how much I have meant to him over the years. It was so darn sweet. It literally shocked me. He told me he loved me too. I do not hardly see him but this certainly warmed my heart tremendously.

    1 year ago
  4. Nannette

    I have a few I could write…I will do this in the next few days…thank you for the nudge! A note to myself as Don suggested may also be the ticket…to write and read at a later date. It is always a good day reading what everyone’s thoughts are here. Thank you!

    1 year ago
  5. A

    I have a practice and I put it in my calendar to do so and that it to write a handwritten note to someone in my life and to try to read it to them if possible. I have done this twice and it is good for both parties.

    1 year ago
  6. Dolores Kazanjian

    This question was very timely for me, too. (I believe there are no coincidences.) Just before I opened this site, I was pondering what to get for a friend who has a birthday celebration coming up. The best thing we can give her (and we will most likely get something tangible as well) is a handwritten card/not telling her how much she has meant in our lives.
    BTW, I am grateful for every moment, but we have had almost two weeks of gray, cold weather in New York. Would it be asking too much for some sunshine?

    1 year ago
    1. luv-1-nutter

      I believe God must be tired hearing all these prayers.

      1 year ago
  7. pkr

    How timely this question is! I planned to reach out to my friend Juliet today, as yesterday I found the perfect card to send to her. We like to “communicate” by the written word. She is an appreciator of the “art of life” & so am I.
    She can be very hard on herself & often is in a dark place. I try to uplift her & share the “light” with her. In fact, I turned her on the whole phenomenon of “Gratefulness” & lo & behold it seems to have helped her a lot. She has found so much to be grateful for. 🙏🏻✨❤️

    1 year ago
  8. luv-1-nutter

    When I attended intensive outpatient treatment 37 years ago I had written a letter to myself saying, you don’t need to be scapegoated, or identified as a patient, for something that is not my fault.. having a mental illness is a “No fault dis-ease.”
    The word of the day by Rumi, lead me to believe having a mental illness was a blessing. But, to take care of it is my responsibility. The Rumi Prescription by Melody Moezzi is my recommendation. Quote… the faithful our mirrors for one another

    1 year ago
  9. Charlie T

    For me, “handwritten” isn’t really an
    option. My handwriting is so bad that
    even I have trouble reading it. For the
    vast majority of my life, writing caused
    anxiety. Bad anxiety. Spelling, grammar,
    and thinking linearly, are really difficult
    for me. I think mild dyslexia and childhood
    ridicule, pretty much ruined writing for me.
    But, if I could, I would write to the friends
    that helped me along the way and thank
    them. Not that I haven’t done this already,
    just not “handwritten”. There is one friend
    that helped me early on, that also was a
    source of anxiety, that I really should
    reach out to, and let him know how
    important he was at a critical time, early in
    my life. The fact that or relationship is
    slightly complicated, makes it difficult.
    But I just might do this. Thanks for the

    1 year ago
    1. Dolores Kazanjian

      Just do it! I understand your frustration, but these days there are so many electronic ways of communicating and even web sites that enable you to create your own printable cards or letterheads if you prefer paper.

      1 year ago
  10. Carol

    My older brother enjoys getting snail mail and my sister and I often send him short notes. I realized that it’s been a while since I’ve done so when I read today’s question so will do my best to write today. I usually bring him up to date on my children and grand children’s lives. He has been a wonderful uncle to them and is always interested in what is going on in their lives.

    1 year ago
  11. Yram

    This is often my practice. My next one will be to my daughter in law recognizing several important dates. The content will be supportive words.

    1 year ago
  12. Joseph McCann

    I attended the memorial service for the wife of one of my few true friends last Saturday. There were a few eulogies spoken about Donna who was 70 at the time of her death. I may write a letter for my own funeral to be read to the congregants attending. It might say something in the order that I lived a content life, finally came to terms with my own short comings, accepted them after I became fully aware of them. The day my vessel died I had reached entropy (an ultimate state of inert uniformity) at last. A gift of Loving Kindness and Peace sent by my alma for all.

    1 year ago
  13. Sheila

    Writing and sending cards and letters is one of my pleasures! I always have a big assortment of cards on hand. I correspond with several friends regularly. Just sending a card to say I am thinking of you, I appreciate you, I love you, can be so meaningful and make a difference in someone’s day. If you are reading this, may something wonderful happen to you today. 🙏🌈

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      Thank you Sheila – and I wish for you something wonderful to happen to you today:)

      1 year ago
      1. Sheila

        Thank you, Michele! Your kind reply was something wonderful to happen to me!🌝🧚‍♀️

        1 year ago
    2. Robin Ann

      Thank you! Such a sweet gesture.

      1 year ago
      1. Sheila

        Thank you, Robin Ann! Your thank you was such a sweet gesture and appreciated! I love your name!🐦💖

        1 year ago
    3. pkr

      Thank you Sheila. I hope something wonderful happens to You today too. Have a blessed day.🙏🏻❤️

      1 year ago
      1. Sheila

        Thank you, PKR! How kind of you! I am having a beautiful day. On my walk I saw 3 turkeys. It was a fun and special surprise! 🧘‍♀️🌈

        1 year ago
    4. Carol

      Sheila, Thank you. Your words warm my heart.

      1 year ago
      1. Sheila

        Thank you, Carol! Your kind reply warms my heart!🙏💖

        1 year ago
    5. Joseph McCann

      Thank you Sheila.

      1 year ago
      1. Sheila

        Joseph, your thank you made me feel so good! It is true the little things aren’t really little at all! THANK YOU!🌝

        1 year ago
  14. Don Jones

    At the moment, I feel it would be useful to write to myself. In fact, I think I will and open it in 12 months’ time. Thanks for the nudge. I often write handwritten notes to special people, but with the change unfolding before me at the moment, I will write to myself.

    1 year ago
    1. Barb C

      What a great idea, Don! I keep a journal but that’s not the same thing as writing something with a planned reading date.

      1 year ago
  15. EJP

    Handwritten cards and letters add a special, meaningful touch to all of my heartfelt correspondence….the words don’t really matter.

    1 year ago

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