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  1. Anna
    5 months ago

    I join O. Christina.
    I’m taking a singing course.
    It’s extraordinary, I admit that the humble attitude to research, to listening, to learning really holds surprises.
    My teacher helps me overcome some blockages that I have had since I was a child and that I have always considered a status of my voice.
    I can confirm that it is never said the last word!
    Singing is a good way for sharing our emotions.

  2. Ose
    5 months ago

    Deeply grateful to share with you of how it might be possible to overcome blockages in creative expression, which caused deep pain since many decades. A dear friend was so kind to offer his knowledge about muisc and instruments to help come over limitations in expressing music due to imprints set when i was young and which caused deep sadness each time when trying to dive into music or painting or writing or reading even without being able to turn to these for more than a short while, as quickly, i had to leave subject without obvious cause. He introduced me to some Indian instruments which would lead to unfold into music without the usual rules by notes or how things have to be, rather leading to gently dive into sound and becoming part of the sound by singing along with the Shrutibox, for example, or the Tanpura. It really feels that this aproach he offered could work. It is an incredible gift he was willing to share. It is deeply touching and my deep thanks go out to him, and beyond.

  3. A
    5 months ago

    I can share my kindness and love. I can share the gifts I have been given and support and uprise others.

  4. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    5 months ago

    Today I share my gratitude for so much love and support over the last year with friends and family as well as everyone that shares on this website.
    I had an amazing day yesterday hearing from so many friends and family and it truly warmed my heart!! Here is to another year ahead of hope & blessings for all of us!

  5. C
    Carissa Thomas
    5 months ago

    I am sharing banana bread today! I made 4 loaves, one for my friend who is visiting and the others for my friends on our drive to six flags! Today I can also share stories πŸ™‚

  6. Linda72766
    5 months ago

    Acceptance, rather than judgment.

  7. Chanel Adams
    Chanel Adams
    5 months ago

    I’m still thinking about the Word of the Day:

    What you are, the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world.


    I’m trying to figure out what I am and what I’m transforming into.

    That can help me realize what I can share with others.

  8. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    5 months ago

    Today I can share my love and support.
    I can also share my sense of humor.
    And maybe I can even share my ears
    and listen with intention. Just listen.

  9. pkr29022
    5 months ago

    A smile.
    Kind words.
    Silent blessings.
    Joy. πŸ’•

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Thank you for the reminder of Silent Blessings PKRπŸ’—

  10. Yram
    5 months ago

    I will share my experience/s, concern, compassion, a handmade card (yes, via snail mail), a smile, positivity, and cautious driving.

  11. Barb C
    Barb C
    5 months ago

    I’ll be sharing my community and the world with others and I’ll be a good neighbor who shares a smile and a friendly greeting when I walk around our little neighborhood loop for a break during work.

    Thanks to my job I’ll get to share my policy thoughts to shape an official document, our state’s traffic safety plan. My role gives me the opportunity to put things in plans that change what we do as a state, which gives me joy.

    I’ll share a poem here, as I do occasionally. When I read poetry in the morning I sometimes record one in my WhatsApp running dialogue with my two grown daughters. I don’t do this every day; the poem has to strike a note I want to share with them. When I let more days than usual pass without one my older daughter sent the message, “Mother, we are poemless!” so I know they appreciate this sharing.

    Prayer for Another Sunday
    Sharron Crowson

    For all that changes
    Seasons, a glad morning,
    Sliver of moon, red sun
    Give thanks

    For all that changes
    Silence, shifting clouds,
    Squabbling jays, white iris
    Give thanks

    For all that changes
    Wind sound of the bay
    Cut grass, cheeky squirrels
    Give thanks

    For all that changes
    The everyday heart
    The mind of questions
    Give thanks

    For all that changes
    Is everything we have
    All we want all we are
    Give thanks
    For all that changes.

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Great poem, thanks for sharing – I will share it with my kids too:)

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      5 months ago

      I love this poem, thank you for sharing Barb

    3. D
      5 months ago

      I love everything about this. The poem, your daughter’s way of saying what you do matters. Everything thanks for sharing.

  12. N
    Nehal Mathur
    5 months ago

    That everything will be alright, you focus on your own well being, physical, mental as well as spiritual. Sending Love to the World.

  13. Carol Ann Conner
    5 months ago

    The first thing that always comes to my mind is I can share a smile. I think about when we were all wearing masks during the COVID pandemic. Lots of isolation time and even when out and about, I missed sharing sincere smiles. They release such an uplifting energy.

    Also, want to share that today’s quote really spoke to me.
    β€œWhat you are, the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world.” J. Krishnamurti

    The quote reminds me that there is a big difference between change and transformation. Life has taught me that change is a given but transformation is not. It requires willingness. Transformation is not something I can DO.Β  It is something I must be WILLING to let happen.Β  My job is the willingness to be vulnerable. Interestingly, I have found that this VULNERABILITY is so obvious in the rest of nature but it scares the hell out of us. Trusting in the process is hard. What nature knows and what I’ve been taught to believe often conflict.

    Forgive me for rambling but I do want to share one more quote that fills me with hopeful awe:

    “We may think we cannot return to the past to correct mistakes we have made. But the past has created the present, and if we practice mindfulness in the present, we naturally are in contact with the past. Our suffering and happiness are closely linked to the suffering and happiness of our ancestors. If we can transform ourselves, we can also transform them.” Taken from β€œGo Slowly, Breathe and Smile,” a beautiful collection of sayings by Thich Nhat Hanh illustrated by Rashani Rea.

    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      5 months ago

      No apology necessary.
      Ramble anytime. Your words are
      always a welcome gift.
      I would add, that it’s never too late
      to forgive yourself. Especially, when
      you have been transforming. In fact,
      this seems inevitable.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        5 months ago

        Charlie, Thank you for your kind words

      2. Michele
        5 months ago

        I agree with you Charlie – Carol’s words are always a welcome gift:)

        1. Carol Ann Conner
          5 months ago

          Thank you, MIchele…

    2. Barb C
      Barb C
      5 months ago

      I have that same book, Carol, and that quotation is one that I wrote in my journal to keep. We are the product of everything that has happened to shape who we are.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        5 months ago

        Barb, I deeply sense that any personal evolutionary progress we make impacts those who came before and those who will come after. I feel it in my bones!

  14. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    5 months ago

    Today, I would love to share with you a song that my husband and I performed together in the early days of our marriage. The original song was titled “60 Years of Life,” but we felt that 60 years wasn’t enough for our love, so we rewrote it as “90 Years of Life.” Please excuse my “broken English,” everyone! πŸ™‚ I love the message of the song, and through it, we wish you all a lifetime of happiness because:
    “Life is not so long,
    Only ninety years.
    First thirty years
    Healthy and happy.
    Next thirty comes busy as donkey.
    The last old as monkey. πŸ˜€
    …So, we will love for every second,
    We should enjoy it all!”
    Happy Friday, everyone!

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Thank you for sharing – you have a beautiful voice Ngoc.

    2. ch46092
      5 months ago

      Thank you! So nice to watch you together. Happy Friday! ❀️❀️🌹

    3. Yram
      5 months ago

      Thanks for sharing. Lovely!

    4. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago


  15. Charity Fulbright
    5 months ago

    I choose to share my gratitude for another day on this earth, kindness, and positivity with others today.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago


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