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  1. O.Christina

    Moment gone – here you are!

    3 months ago
  2. J
    Jesus Mari Mata

    “I am”, that’s all

    3 months ago
  3. C
    Carissa Thomas

    That I do not know what each day will be filled with so I should take every moment in stride and be open to what life brings me

    3 months ago
    1. Lydia

      Thanks Carissa, this is just what I need to know this morning. My family and also good friends are dealing with so many ‘surprises’ this month, both financial and health-related, that I truly need to take each day in my stride and be grateful for all the abundance and moments of joy I can recognise – and help to create! I am seeing that affection and kindness are what gets ALL of us through these times. Thanks and have a good day.

      3 months ago
  4. Robin Ann

    Each day is a new opportunity to grow and love.

    3 months ago
  5. Don Jones

    Life is better with a Kelpie dog.

    3 months ago
  6. Dolores Kazanjian

    I know for sure that I know nothing.

    3 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Dolores, totally agree. We don’t know as much as we think we know.

      3 months ago
  7. A

    I know that I am constantly growing. With each new day and each new experience and conversation and interaction, I know that it will help shape my future in some way, big or small. So i walk into each new situation with a smile on my face ready to have a grand old time and live to experience.

    3 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Andrea, well said. What we do today shapes us for who we are tomorrow just like from yesterday to today.

      3 months ago
  8. Antoinette

    That the universe is me !

    3 months ago
  9. M

    I know for sure that I have to start small. I have to be grateful for the buds on the trees, for the sound of birds chirping, for the way my puppy looks trustingly into my eyes, etc. I know I need to build on those small sights, sounds, and actions to recover and become the person God wants me to be.

    3 months ago
  10. Charlie T

    I know that kindness is the true
    measure of a person.

    3 months ago
    1. Michele

      This makes me think of a Cinderella quote I love-> ‘Be kind, have courage and always believe in a little magic.’

      3 months ago
    2. Robin Ann

      Love this!

      3 months ago
  11. Carol

    I know that today’s a gift. That even though I can no longer do many things I love to do, my focus needs to be on showing compassion for myself and others in every way that I can. That it is important to remember to smile.

    3 months ago
  12. Yram

    There is constant movement.
    One thing I can count on is change.
    That at some point I will die.
    I am a different person than I was ……even yesterday.

    3 months ago
  13. L
    Loc Tran

    I know for sure that we’re the ones who understand ourselves the best. Ultimately, it’s “You help you.” People can give us advice and suggestions. We’re the ones who decide what to do with our lives.

    3 months ago
    1. A

      this is awesome

      3 months ago
  14. Ngoc Nguyen

    There have been so many useful and funny responses so far. It’s great to read all of yours. For me, I know for sure that I’ll never stop learning, both actively and inactively, because life always gives me lessons.

    3 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Totally agree, my Ngoc. We’ll always be learning one way or another until we die. As we go through life, our perspective shifts in different times and positions.

      3 months ago
  15. Pilgrim

    I know for sure that I have suddenly and literally lost my voice. Not something that has happened in years. The sound is rather close to that of a barking dog. Good grief!! I will not be singing today!
    Blessed day, my friends!

    3 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Maybe gargle with salt water or a couple of Ricola original herb throat lozenges might help Pilgrim.

      3 months ago
    2. Carol

      Pilgrim, try humming OM. Sending a big hug your way.

      3 months ago
      1. Pilgrim

        I will give that a try, Carol. Thank you!

        3 months ago

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