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  1. a

    Being surrounded by people that make me feel loved and appreciated is really important to me. We can all use an extra pat on the back or words of encouragement when we’re struggling through life especially things we may not speak about with others.

    11 months ago
  2. O.Christina

    Light in all its expressions. To care, to love and be loved. Being there for and with others in clarity, integrity, warmth and with all my heart. Beloved friends and family. Thank you.

    11 months ago
  3. Maeve

    Living life to the full with love and joy. Taking risks.

    11 months ago
  4. E
    Elise May

    Love and connection with other human beings. <3

    11 months ago
  5. Robin Ann

    My emotional & spiritual well being. Making healthy choices for myself in foods, exercise and friendships. Helping and looking after my loved ones. Staying connected with friends and family, my grand dogs, my job and finding joyful moments when I am not working.

    11 months ago
  6. Antoinette

    Letting go of the false self!

    11 months ago
  7. Chester

    Faith and Hope

    11 months ago
  8. Journey

    My family’s (son, husband, parents, sister, brother in-law) physical and mental wellbeing and I tie myself in knots worrying about them even though much of it is beyond my control.

    11 months ago
  9. Barb C

    To love and to be loved.
    Air, water, food, sleep, shelter.
    A sense of purpose.
    My family.
    Talking with friends.
    Cooking and feeding people.
    Kindness and empathy.
    Understanding my privilege and using it to bend the arc of the world toward justice. (I can hope that affects the whole moral universe.)
    Reducing my impact on the environment and climate.

    11 months ago
  10. Carol

    Self-awareness and willingness. Creation never ends and I wish to contribute in a life-giving manor that supports the evolutionary process.

    11 months ago
  11. Yram

    What is essential is a healthy relationship with a higher power, the earth, and all my human interactions. I would hope my life here, made a difference.

    11 months ago
  12. Charlie T

    Clean air, drinkable water, nourishing
    food, shelter, personal safety, some kind of
    connection to others, room to stretch and
    move my body.
    I think I’m describing the basic needs of
    all humans. It’s truly disturbing that so
    many people don’t have these basic things.
    I was born lucky.
    On a more personal level, I would say,
    connection, kindness, and progression, are
    the essential things that keep me going.

    11 months ago
  13. Nannette

    To live my life truthfully not only for the sake of those looking in….but for myself.

    11 months ago
  14. J

    Expressing love and kindness, in anyway I can.

    11 months ago
  15. Mary Mantei

    Engagement in all aspects of my life.

    11 months ago

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