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  1. Mary Mantei

    Thanks to all for supporting my recovery; it takes a village! Isn’t it amazing how words, insights, and good wishes from people we have not met personally influence our well being? I know it to be true, and love being reminded. Enjoy this amazing day.

    1 year ago
  2. Anna

    A lot of work, I think.
    May Grace sweeten the fatigue of these hot summer days, for all working people.

    1 year ago
  3. r

    Today I’ve the opportunity to study, practice more and push myself a bit harder towards my goal.

    1 year ago
  4. Robin Ann

    Today I had the opportunity to attend a wonderful Mass at my church. I always feel much at peace there and sometimes like today find myself
    holding back tears because it is exactly what I needed to hear. So grateful for being a member of this parish for so many years. Today was a rainy day so I had an opportunity to just do errands and relax.

    1 year ago
  5. pkr

    Peace & quiet with an occasional bird song.❤️

    1 year ago
  6. Barb C

    The opportunity to appreciate the morning’s delights: Fresh, cool morning air. The cat’s little chirps of excitement as he spots a hummingbird at the feeder. Hot coffee. Time with my sweetheart. Poetry that stirs my heart, from the collection Poetry of Presence II.
    The opportunity to restart my morning yoga practice.
    The opportunity to anticipate, and then to enjoy, the leftovers from yesterday’s brunch date that are waiting for me (which is why I’m tempted to skip yoga yet again! But they will still be there).

    1 year ago
  7. Charlie T

    This moment is offering the same
    opportunity as every moment.
    To be present, to have gratitude, to
    express myself, and to be of service.

    1 year ago
    1. Carol

      I relate!

      1 year ago
  8. A
    Ana Maria

    Good morning to all! This morning is offering me an opportunity to just be and enjoy the plannings of a one year old birthday celebration of my one and only granddaughter. To rest my mind in her divine presence is what I will stay focus on. My tendency to always worry and be on the alert for a crisis is something I have to work on every single day. I am learning because of all of you and this site. I thank you!

    1 year ago
  9. Nannette

    I had a nice breakfast with my husband and two cats and my great dog, Clancy! Now I am in hectic mood…we are going to our cabin – which I have not been to since last October.. It is only an hour and a half from our home- but we do not get there often. I have packing up of food, animals, clothes, etc–so now being my usual spastic self! But what joy to come to this site and gain some peace, and kindness and love from all who come to this site. That makes this moment and this time very special…and I am so very grateful. Thank you.

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Enjoy your retreat from the world! You and your family deserve the time away to a peaceful setting.

      1 year ago
  10. Chester

    After a busy night of on-call duties and catching up on sleep through the early AM, I have the opportunity to pause, look at all I am grateful for, and see the day’s opportunities to further build.

    1 year ago
  11. sunnypatti

    This moment is offering peace and relaxation. We cancelled our brunch service today due to someone renting our restaurant out for a private party this afternoon, so I got to sleep in and am enjoying sitting here with my coffee before deciding what to do with the dogs this morning. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    1 year ago
  12. Laura

    Interior silence.

    1 year ago
    1. Josie

      Exactly the same for me, Laura.

      1 year ago
  13. Yram

    It is offering me alone time with my “site” friends. I am gleaning peace and inspiration from fellow pilgrimage folks. It offers me a time to set aside my life and gain insight into other’s life.

    1 year ago
  14. Carol

    A wonderful morning with my loving son.

    1 year ago
  15. Michele

    solitude and gratefulness.
    Rabbit – today is National Guinea Pig Appreciate Day – if I’m remembering correctly, you had guinea pigs. We did too, my daughter had ‘Lizzy’ for 5 yrs, cute adorable pets.

    1 year ago

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