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  1. Anna

    My morning meditation, including visiting this wonderful site and reflecting with the help of you all.
    My morning breakfast, looking at the sky.

    11 months ago
  2. Nannette

    The feeling I get of just being home…in my house with my husband and animals…our rituals of talking together in the morning and sitting in the evening watching some TV with the dog and cats beside us. This wonderful site and all of you whom gather here…I feel safe and “at home” with all of you each day. Taking time to be alone and pray and meditate….what gifts. Blessings to all.

    11 months ago
  3. Robin Ann

    Living in New England near the ocean, near nature is what helps me come home to myself. I enjoy the change of seasons and all that it brings with exploring new & different places each season.

    11 months ago
  4. Dolores Kazanjian

    :”Come home to myself.” What the _*&** they talkin’ about? Can someone esplain, please?

    11 months ago
    1. Nannette

      Dolores, Sometimes if you don’t understand the question…you may want to read what others have written…perhaps that may bring something to mind. Or you may simply say…I don’t understand today’s question…and pass or just take time to think about it. I am not sure I want to know what your symbols refer to…so I am perplexed also 🙂 I hope this helps. Also…there are no wrong answers…whatever comes from your heart.

      11 months ago
  5. O.Christina

    Meditation, breath, sometimes, a coffee in the morning. In the same time, truth of returning to my Self with moments is Love experience, as giving one as well as receiving, both deeply heart opening, and still rare.

    11 months ago
  6. Linda

    My husband and I sit together in our living room each morning before we start our day. We have coffee or tea, and we just talk. It is peaceful and quiet, and sometimes we just sit, sometimes we talk. It is a lovely ritual we have sustained through the years and a deeply meaningful one to us both.

    11 months ago
  7. Carol

    One daily practice I find quite helpful is Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation. When reading today’s quote from Trebbe Johnson

    “When we are open to beauty, it is more likely to appear to us. When we share that gift by pointing it out to others, we find we have even more of it to celebrate.”

    I knew I wanted to share this meditation with you.

    11 months ago
  8. Laura

    A cup of tea, beautiful music and a book. Such mundane things rarely fail to comfort and restore me to the present.

    11 months ago
  9. Michele

    I enjoy sitting out in my lanai and observing all the beautiful nature in my backyard – it’s so peaceful and relaxing.
    My daily morning ritual of having my coffee and coming onto this website grounds me and is a great way to begin the day.
    Autumn is my favorite season – I enjoy seasonal decorating.
    Happy Labor Day everyone – enjoy time with family,friends, cook-out food.

    11 months ago
  10. sunnypatti

    My morning meditation and prayer, followed by journalling and visiting this site 🙂
    Also, yoga, surfing, and walks on the beach.

    Happy Labor Day – if you are in the states, I hope you enjoy your day off! I’m grateful my restaurant is closed on Mondays!

    11 months ago
  11. Joseph McCann

    My lifestyle comes to mind. I live and work by the season. My daily routine, which after 44 plus years, has become a ritual of sorts to me. Autumn, soon to be upon us, brings the end of haying, the vegetable garden, final irrigation and the migration south of the sand hill cranes. Hopefully I have enough water to put the fields “to bed wet”. I also purchase steers to feed and grow out in the fall. Winter is time to keep the home fires burning and feed the animals as the pasture has been consumed or buried in snow. Spring I sell the steers at the sale barn (livestock auction), marketing any hay I may have left and the return north of the sand hill cranes. Time to go through the equipment and get ready to irrigate and take stock in how the snowpack has accumulated during the winter. Late spring and summer bring about planting and nurturing the vegetable garden. irrigation and haying. All along the way is the daily small change in the flora and fauna of the San Luis Vally. For the past 18 months or so I began and continue to practice daily rituals for my mental health and general wellbeing. A daily reflection on this site, meditation, mindful standing yoga and the practice of being and staying in the present with gratitude.

    11 months ago
    1. Nannette

      Joseph, your words are so wonderful and descriptive…I have a great picture in my mind. Thank you. You are a hard worker and work with all that you are given…Blessings to you and your family.

      11 months ago
    2. Carol

      Joseph, It’s apparent that yours is a labor of love.

      11 months ago
  12. Charlie T

    The practice of being present, has been
    such a simple and challenging project.

    11 months ago
  13. Yram

    My morning rituals of readings from various sources, pondering the question, writing, and praying. This grounds me for the day.

    11 months ago
  14. Pilgrim

    For me, it is entering the day. Waking, morning coffee and reading, taking stock of how I am feeling, yoga, possibly listening to birdsong outside my window and/or music indoors.

    11 months ago
  15. Butterfly

    Long, slow, deep breaths bring me back to God-space and quiet my busy monkey-mind.

    11 months ago

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