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  1. TofuLove75790

    Loads of people because tons of people help me daily so I’m thankful for so many making my life so enjoyable and nice. I think from that gratitude I tend to want to treat people well because I’m thankful for their contributions to my life haha. I’m also thankful for me — I know people are odd about hearing that but me has done some great stuff for me!

    3 weeks ago
  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    My good friend Mike who has had to deal with my ups and downs in the past years. Always very supportive no matter what!
    He shares my faith also which is helpful in difficult times.

    1 month ago
  3. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    There have been people, along this path,
    who have helped me and given me
    opportunities and I am thankful for them.
    Sometimes I was even guided by their poor
    example, and I am thankful for that too.
    But right now, in my life currently, there
    is a handful of people that deserve a big
    thank you, Just for being in my life and
    allowing me to be in theirs.
    And you people here, who share and let
    me share. Thank you 🙏

    1 month ago
  4. Barb C
    Barb C

    My husband, who’s heading out in a few minutes on his bike to get coffee because we abruptly realized we were out! And for everything else he does to make our home snug, efficient, and well-maintained, as well as for being my dance partner.

    This community and the people who maintain the site that makes it possible, for helping me start my days with reflection.

    1 month ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      Barb, My husband was such a good dancer. I enjoyed dancing with him very much. Glad to hear your husband is your dance partner!

      1 month ago
  5. Michele

    My daughter had mowed both my front and back yards a few days ago and I’m really appreciating it as I don’t have to do it this weekend. 🙂

    1 month ago
  6. Jenifer

    Everyone and everything on my life

    1 month ago
  7. Nannette

    As I wrote a reply to YRAM…who is so thankful for a comfortable chair….It reminded me of a friend, Marilyn…who about 25 years ago or more…gifted me with a brand new recliner. I was in my doctoral program…and had little money. I worked as a Research Assistant in the School of Nursing (where I was a student). My stipend helped me a lot…but there was not any money for “luxuries”. I was in my late 40’s and this education was important to me. Neither one of my parents finished primary school…never mind high school. Although they had passed many years before- this education was very important to me and I worked extremely hard to get it. I spent many hours behind a computer at school and then at home doing school work. My chair to work in at home was a wooden dining room chair. I had bought 4 at a Antique store. However; I gave myself one evening off a week to watch TV…and that was Sunday evening at 8 PM to watch “Murder She Wrote” with Angela Lansbury…what a treat that was and how I looked forward to it. I so wanted a recliner chair to sit and watch my favorite show. I had a couch and another wooden chair with a soft pad…but ohh a recliner!! My friend, Marilyn who lived 3 hours from me…gave me money ($500) to go buy a recliner!! Now! Marilyn was not rich…what a gift she gave me…How I cherished that chair for several years…The gift was not really the chair…the gift was that wonderful friendship of a wonderful human being…an unselfish woman in so many ways. She passed away several years ago…and how I miss her. Friendship and love are gifts that cannot be bought…and don’t come around very often.

    1 month ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Awe ~ I love this memory of yours!

      1 month ago
    2. Yram

      I am glad my comments brought back this heartwarming memory!

      1 month ago
    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      That was an inspiring and wonderful chapter of your life to share with us Nannette. Thank you.

      1 month ago
    4. Carol Ann Conner

      Nannette: What a beautiful and inspiring story from your life and what a gem of a friend.

      1 month ago
    5. pkr29022

      Nannette, I loved watching “Murder She Wrote” on Sunday nights too. It was my favorite show to relax to before the busy week ahead. I miss Angela Lansbury .
      Have a peaceful Sunday evening.

      1 month ago
      1. Michele

        I loved her in Bedknobs and Broomsticks

        1 month ago
  8. Carol Ann Conner

    My next door neighbors who are always there for me.

    1 month ago
  9. Yram

    Us as a couple for buying this comfortable chair I am sitting in.
    Our ancestors who have given us some of our furniture.
    Those on this site, who challenge me to live a grateful life. (Kevin, where are you?)
    My children who support us in many ways.

    The elements of the earth

    1 month ago
    1. Michele

      Kevin has been on my mind lately too – I hope he is ok.

      1 month ago
    2. Nannette

      Good for you, Yram! A comfortable chair is a great gift!! Many years ago…when I was a doctoral student…I so wanted a recliner. I sat at my dining room table for hours at a time- or my dining room chair at my computer…I would watch TV on Sunday nights “Murder She Wrote”…and I wanted a recliner. I had a couch (remember I was living in an apartment and I was a student…although in my late 40’s!)…my friend bought me a chair!!
      YES!! where is Kevin…I so miss him…his wit, and his valuable words.

      1 month ago
  10. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    My sister, who is sponsoring my mom’s move from Vietnam to the United States, and my husband’s cousins, who will come to visit us in the fall, have brought joy and excitement to our family. Seeing our family busy planning the trips we’ll take with our visitors fills us with happiness and anticipation!

    1 month ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      It’s so wonderful that you’ll have your mom much closer. One of my daughters lives nearly 6,000 miles away right now. She’s coming back to the US for a couple of months this fall and I’m so happy I’ll get to see her!

      1 month ago
    2. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, a lot of fun and excitement ahead.

      1 month ago
  11. Patti

    My husband – for offering to change our business model for the sake of our marriage and our happiness, and then for coming to an agreement with me to move out of the area. I know these were the right decisions for us because once we made them everything started falling into place, which I have to thank God for that as well.

    1 month ago
  12. D

    The list is too long- my parents who raised me with love, guidance, support and never tried to choose my path or personality.

    My sister for being someone I looked up to and always supported me.

    My children for teaching me and making me a better person.

    My husband for love support lessons learned and always working hard to provide for us, make life easier.
    all the friends that gave and give a listening ear, cheering from life’s sidelines, sharing in off key songs and laughter that can only be shared between friends.

    God and the blessed mother for always being there even when life wasn’t/isn’t what I hope for because his plan is so much greater.

    All the animals that have come into my life for just being there through laughter and tears.

    1 month ago
    1. Nannette

      Beautifully written, Deann…family make such a difference in our lives… and yes, I am with you with thanking God and the Blessed Mother even when life does not go the way we hoped (my recent heart attack…but I have been given so much since then)…and yes..our animals- how important they are to our lives. Have a wonderful Sunday!

      1 month ago
  13. L
    Loc Tran

    Ngoc and my mom are the 2 people who jump out deserving my thanks. They happen to be the closest people in my life. This reminds me of Ngoc’s answer on the question about showing appreciation for someone with a different perspective. To put in a nutshell, Ngoc values acceptance while my mom values opportunity. As a deeply spiritual person with a Type B nature, I resignate closer to Ngoc. On the other hand and having experienced the other side through hard studying and high hopes from family, I also understand that if we want to live a comfortable life, we need to step out of our comfort zone and get through the boring moments to get from A-B. Fortunately, those challenging times are only temporary.
    A saying my mom has is “Struggle for a few years and easy for life.” Fortunately, those years for me are in the rear view mirror. Looking past the surface is the key to understanding her. She speaks her mind. This will lead her to coming off rough at times. She needs to release her emotions. Once she’s calmer, her soft side shows up, and she mellows out. The main benefit I see from her goal-oriented approach is that it teaches us to control and look past our emotions. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t have feelings. In fact, it’s far from that. She’s actually someone who has been able to help me out and be there when needed most. Emotions are high risk high reward. When used correctly, life becomes more interesting and meanningful. On the other hand, it’s also the root of evils.

    1 month ago
    1. D

      “Emotions are high risk, high reward”. Wow and thank you.

      1 month ago
      1. L
        Loc Tran

        No problem Deann.

        1 month ago
  14. Laura

    My recently deceased uncle who provided funds to subsidize my and my siblings stay in Canada for his memorial service. A good and kind man who will be missed deeply. 🍁

    1 month ago
  15. Joseph
    Joseph McCann

    All of you good folks who reflect on these pages and the universe for the beauty and joy both give so freely.

    1 month ago

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