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  1. Shahizzat Maajih

    After the adversities strikes me recently, the one who deserves thanks is, absolutely me. Thank you my mind body and soul, for cooperating to make me stay alive, feel alive and enjoy the life to the fullest. Losing a father, all of sudden, due to heart attack is not something easy. I lose part of me when he go. I just keep praying that one day, we will meet again, in heaven.
    Next, who deserves my thanks is all my family, who tries to help as much as they can during this grieving period. They cook, they provide and they help as much as they can for this youngest siblings. My bestfriends also always there whenever I need it.

    This is really my down time. But Im grateful to God as well, because He, is the only one who arranges the good people coming into my life, to comfort and provide love and care.

    2 years ago
  2. Dusty Su

    I have a history that is so richly filled with people, situations, and organizations that deserve my deep gratitude.

    Presently, in my most immediate world, it’s my mother. She’s 89-years-old, has terrible Alzheimer’s disease, and is dying of stage four cancer, yet we can daily share moments of joy and gratitude. That is largely because of a lifetime of positive attitude, the ability to see the grand in the small things, and appreciation for companionship on her part. She makes it easy to be with her in her last chapter and the most challenging part of life.

    2 years ago
  3. Don Jones

    Everyone, seen and unseen who help me along this mysterious journey each day.

    2 years ago
  4. Mica

    My friend Anna, for mentioning popcorn in connection with movies, when we watched Diane Keaton’s new movie on her laptop – later I got out my old stovetop Whirley-Pop and made a batch that I ate with cashews. Surprisingly, it satisfies the need in me that usually calls for sweets! … Time to make a new batch 🙂

    2 years ago
    1. Dusty Su

      That sounds good with cashews. MMM.

      2 years ago
  5. Erich617

    I have been dealing with a back injury recently. Last night, my partner handled making dinner and putting our little one to sleep so that I could rest.

    2 years ago
  6. O.Christina

    This is countless; beginning with my parents and my family of origin and all the good souls who were kind and even those who were causing difficulties, as I feel all have contributed to this life full of people whom I am allowed to be close to, interact with, work together with, enjoy life together, who reflect about essentials like all you dear ones here in the sacred space of this website and all those whom I love and who love or care for me and for others as well as for the world. A deep thank you and with a deep bow to all of you, my dear friends in life.

    2 years ago
  7. KC

    Spirit. Mother nature. My and the ancestors. Tara Brach. All who are with me and us on the path – past, present and future. All at who make this daily question possible, and all of you who show up day after day, and/ or on occasion, to generously share your reflections.

    2 years ago
  8. Yram

    I am grateful for the herbalist who introduced me to making a tea with rosemary and yarrow. I am thankful for nature.

    2 years ago
  9. Barb C

    My husband, for being such a good caregiver to me with my broken wrist. My best friend who took me shopping to get sleeveless dresses I can wear with my arm in a cast and who checks on me daily. My work colleagues who immediately took on things they can do that relieve me from having to worry about things getting done that were on my list.

    2 years ago
  10. Cathie

    The Divine Reality who gifted me the ability to experience this life, and all those who share in it.

    2 years ago
  11. A

    My English teacher in 7-10 grades whose efforts helped me become better at written communication skills, which in turn, helped me immigrate to this great country. Also, my parents, who supported me throughout my educational years. The people at my first job who ensured I felt at home. This website, which I discovered just a couple of weeks ago. Jack Bogle, the founder of Vanguard, who made it easy for everyday people to save for their retirement.

    2 years ago
  12. Charlie T

    Definitely all of you that make this beautiful resource happen and the people that share there wisdom and insight with the rest of us here. I am truly grateful that a friend (someone who was also suffering) sent me this link.
    This is such a key part of my practices and has had a truly positive impact on my life.
    Thank you all 🙏

    2 years ago
  13. Antoinette

    Thank you guys for making this website! Hugs 🤗

    2 years ago
  14. Carol

    It depends on what one means by “now.”If I limit it to the last few days, my son tops the list. That said, for me, “now” is the only thing eternal so the list is endless. For example, daily I give thanks for the strength of my ancestors and claim their strength frequently.

    2 years ago
  15. dragonfly

    My 22 year old cat, Shadow, who greets me in the morning and comes for a cuddle. He gives and faithfully has given me a wonderful start to the day.
    I have to say, though, that the word “deserves” makes me somewhat uneasy, because it feels like my thanks needs to be earned and I’m the one who decides who “deserves” it and who doesn’t when there are so, so many people to be thankful for. Many of them I take for granted because I don’t know them personally like all those who made my breakfast possible.

    2 years ago
    1. Barb C

      Thank you so much for calling out the use of the word “deserve” this way. You’re so right that so many people we should be able to thank are invisible in our system.

      2 years ago

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