February 14

How can I express love in a new way today?

32 Reflections
February 13

Where is there “small beauty” around me right now?

78 Reflections
February 12

What adds delight to my life?

55 Reflections
February 11

What is one life lesson I am grateful I had the opportunity to learn?

80 Reflections
February 10

When I feel powerless, what helps me to see the choices available to me?

66 Reflections
February 9

What could I do today to nurture one new possibility for my life?

71 Reflections
February 8

Gratefulness can be humbling. How does this statement resonate with me?

42 Reflections
February 7

How can I use what I already have to make a difference in the world around me?

83 Reflections
February 6

Who is inspiring me right now?

65 Reflections