Poetry envelops us in a trustworthy embrace, opening a space in our hearts to connect with the joys and hurts in the world. And in the great fullness of life that poems hold, we are able to explore the rich complexities of the human experience and feel a sense of possibility — especially in challenging times.
We love to share poetry that resonates with our values here at Grateful Living, and we believe out world might be well-served by more of us regularly engaging with poetry. So, it is with happy hearts that we celebrate and share the value of poetry by offering you an opportunity to receive a poem each month in your inbox.
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More on poetry and gratefulness:
Poetry Collection – our poetry collection includes poems from Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, David Whyte, Alberto Ríos, Jane Hirshfield, Lisel Mueller, Rumi, Emily Dickinson, and many others. We are always adding new poems to the collection, so check back often!
Remembering Ourselves Whole Again: How Poetry Speaks from the Heart of Gratefulness – a blog by Dale Biron. “…great poems help us remember and reconnect ourselves to ourselves, to others, and to the great other.”
How to Love the World: A Poetry Practice Series – this guided practice series by poet James Crews will help you make writing a part of your own gratefulness practice, using the weekly poems and prompts to touch in on your own lived and everyday experiences.
One Brief Sparkling Flash: A Collection of Haiku – we created an 8-day exploration of haiku as gratefulness practice in the Spring of 2019 and invited people to join us. This treasure trove of gems is the result.
O Gaia: Nature and the Poetic Intuition – an essay by Br. David Steindl-Rast. “Poetry gives us access to those reasons of the heart which reason cannot fathom. Only the poet within each of us has eyes for the inherent sacredness of nature.”