Woman sitting on a bed with coffee and book of poetry


Poetry, with its impossible-seeming combination of soft lens and precision, brings to our awareness that which might otherwise go unnoticed and unappreciated. May these poems open your heart to the nuance and opportunity of each moment.

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a small white garden house covered in green vines with an open door framing a patterned brown chair

The Most Important Thing

by Julia Fehrenbacher
I am making a home inside myself. A shelterof kindness where everythingis forgiven, everything allowed—a…
bright yellow lemons ripening on a tree

Poetry Collection: Savoring Slowing Down

by The Grateful Living Team
The poets in this collection inspire us to treasure the breath, celebrate nature's abundance, and…
large cluster of sparks from a bonfire rising upward against a dark black background

The Invitation

by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
Two nights after he died,all night I heard the sameone-line story on repeat:I am the…
A red knitted heart attached to a crack in a yellow wall

Poetry Collection: Holding the Heart of Sorrow

by The Grateful Living Team
For times of grief and sorrow, we offer this curated collection of poems as a…
a lone light purple flower laying atop old stone steps covered with dead leaves

Send Love, It Matters

by Carrie Newcomer
Somewhere someone needs help.Send love.It matters. If you can't get there yourself,then take a deep…
opposing calm and churning waters meeting to create a stark line

For When People Ask

by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
I want a word that meansokay and not okay,more than that: a word that meansdevastated…
greyscale photo of a woman in a white dress underwater with her back arched towards the surface with rays of sunlight shining down

Watching My Friend Pretend Her Heart Is Not Breaking

by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
On Earth, just a teaspoon of neutron starwould weigh six billion tons. Six billion tonsequals…
brown grassy field with large puddle and a few trees against a misty grey sky

Uneven Ground

by Laura Grace Weldon
He wants to fill in the pasture’s low spots.I say no, no, nothese are magic…
man and small dog walking through small alley with faded orange walls covered in ivy and graffiti


by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
O body, cracked bellthat still sings when struck,O leaky cup,O broken stem,I love you, body,your…
fisherman at the end of the day in the yellow sunset light

Watching the Rower

by Andrea Potos
Oh to find that still surface,the glide of silk and silence,sun lit along the oars,the…
close up of cream and tan woven thread

A Love Story

by Jeanie Greensfelder
Gather your selves:critical and kind,scared and brave,thoughtless and hurt. Mistakes and failuresmeet accomplishments.Like loss and…
brown, black and orange butterfly on persons hand

Those Becoming Already Are

by Marie Marchand
Sifting through crisiswe parse flecks of gold from pebbles in silt,mirrors of True Self marking…
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