Woman sitting on a bed with coffee and book of poetry



by Jericho Brown
The water is one thing, and one thing for miles.The water is one thing, making…

The Thing Is

by Ellen Bass
to love life, to love it evenwhen you have no stomach for itand everything you’ve…

One Candle Now, Then Seven More

by Brad Aaron Modlin
I grew up in a family that did not tellthe story. I am listening to…

what is unveiled? the founding wound

by adrienne maree brown
A bowl of soup with a wooden spoon dripping above it.

For a New Year

by Holly Wren Spaulding
Let plain things please you againand every ordinary Monday.Bean soup in a white bowl,firewood in…

Winter Morning

by James Crews
When I can no longer say thank youfor this new day and the waking into…

Let This Darkness Be a Bell Tower

by Rainer Maria Rilke, Translation by Joanna Macy and Anita Barrows
Quiet friend who has come so far, feel how your breathing makes more space around…

Trail of Tears: Our Removal

by Linda Hogan
With lines unseen the land was broken.When surveyors came, we knewwhat the prophet had said…
An eagle in flight against a bright blue sky

Eagle Poem

by Joy Harjo
To pray you open your whole selfTo sky, to earth, to sun, to moonTo one…

When a Certain Word Comes to You

by Andrea Potos
This morning it was fluency,the title of a poem I found in a bookI laid…

A House Called Tomorrow

by Alberto Ríos
You are not fifteen, or twelve, or seventeen—You are a hundred wild centuries And fifteen,…

It looks like the sky is coming apart and together at the same time*

by Maya Stein
And the body is holding its losses like a fist. And a fleshy hopeis opening…
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