The end of each year is rich with opportunities to reconnect with what we hold sacred in our lives, engage in meaningful rituals, reflect on what truly matters, and open ourselves to the beautiful mystery of what is to come. This collection of practices, reflections, music, and more has been handpicked by the Grateful Living team to inspire your holiday season. Allow these resources — and the holidays — to truly nourish you and your loved ones.

Between the Notes: The Gift of Silence and Stillness

Gratefully Navigating the Holidays

New Year Transformation: Resources for the Journey

Gratefulness and the Power of Radical Sufficiency

The Renewing Power of Ritual
More Ways to Share Gratefulness During the Holidays
- Make a donation to our year-end campaign in someone’s honor
- Watch A Grateful Day and share it with friends and family
- Share your love and gratitude this holiday season by sending one of our free holiday eCards. Take advantage of our scheduling feature — write and schedule holiday greetings and New Year wishes in advance, and we handle the online delivery. Share your love freely!
- Use our Conversation Starters to spark meaningful connection with someone you love
- Visit our Practice Space and respond to our Daily Question
Photo by Jessica Furtney
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