
[chime rings]

Embrace this ordinary moment to slow down and connect with your breath. As you slowly breathe in, and out, invite an awareness of how your breath is breathing you every moment of the day, while you are doing anything and everything. This breath, and this, a thousand times an hour, without your effort, your lungs are nourishing and renewing all the cells in your body, keeping you alive and connected to all of life in every moment.

The ordinary is extraordinary. When you take nothing for granted, life is abundant.

Breathing, touch, running water, a meal, a tree, a window, routines, everyday activities, the people in your life. It is so easy to lose touch with how amazing life is, to take for granted the people and things in life that could render you awestruck if you had never seen them before or knew you might not see them again. Open yourself to the extraordinary nature of these. Lean in, listen, engage with them anew. What is calling to be recognized in your life?

What we take for granted every day, many people are longing for. We may have once longed for these things ourselves and we very may well again. Can you fill yourself up with a sense of abundance that comes from truly noticing and savoring what is already in your life, from noticing the extraordinary nature of all that it takes to simply be here?

The ordinary is extraordinary. When you take nothing for granted, life is abundant.

Allow yourself to see the things and people you encounter with fresh eyes today. As Brother David reminds us, if you can respond to what you experience as if it were the first day in your life, you will have used this day very well. Practice not taking for granted all that graces your life. Let yourself marvel at and appreciate the abundance that is already yours.

[chime rings]
