

by Morgan Farley
I am clearing a space here, where the trees stand back. I am making a…
8 daisies

Eight Ways Gratitude Boosts Happiness

by Sonja Lyubomirsky
Discover eight research-backed ways that practicing gratitude works to make you happier.
A cup of tea with a notebook and pencil

Expressing Gratitude

by Sonja Lyubomirsky
What determines happiness? Together with fellow scientists Ken Sheldon and David Schkade, Sonja Lyubomirsky discovered…
mystical fairy tales owl

Paths of Obedience: Fairy Tales and the Monk’s Way

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
Have you ever felt that you were being tried beyond what is humanly possible to…

Crossing the Unknown Sea (excerpt)

by David Whyte
You have ripened already, and you are waiting to be brought in. Your exhaustion is…
sea glass, colored glass

Practicing Gratitude

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
In interview reprinted from Sacred Journey, Brother David describes how gratitude cultivates creativity, aliveness, and…
sunset, blue, orange, mountain

Authentic Appreciation

by Terry Pearce
Gratitude goes beyond "thank you" with specific, heartfelt experiences.

A Relationship of Compassion: Living Gratefully in the Body

by Mariah Fenton Gladis
If you have ever wondered what it means to live gratefully in the midst of…

A Narrow Escape

by The Grateful Living Team
Q: I escaped a recent accident with minor injuries. A narrow escape. While I am…
rainbow over water

Prayer for Unity

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
You, the one From whom on different paths All of us have come. To whom…
dock, lake, quiet, still, silence.

Praying the Great Dance

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
Brother David describes ways to be "anchored in lasting joy" through prayer.

Every Moment is a Gift

by Daniela Haskara
(2003) Br. David speaks about the connection of peace and gratefulness at Esalen, Big Sur,…
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