O body, cracked bell
that still sings when struck,
O leaky cup,
O broken stem,
I love you, body,
your crooked path,
your crumbling walls,
your faulty math.
I love the way
you stopped believing
you could ever
hold it all,
how you began
to let yourself
become the one
that’s being held.
I love the graffiti
on your inner halls—
scrawled names of all
who shaped you.
O body, my wreck,
my holey glove,
my street worn sole,
my crumpled page,
forgive me for years
of trying to fix you,
for believing the fable
of whole,
you, my perfect
wounded heart,
my stuttered hymn,
my sacred
begging bowl.
Posted by kind permission of the poet.
The Anatomy of Gratefulness: Say Yes to Life
Wondering what it truly means to live a grateful life and how to do it? Join us for our NEW course beginning April 1 to bring more meaning, purpose, and joy to your daily life. Learn guiding principles for living gratefully every day, try daily practices that can guide you in challenging and joyful times, explore what scientific research and spiritual wisdom have to say about the benefits of living gratefully, and more.
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