More and more we are witnessing how an ever-growing number of people are developing an awareness that we are linked in a manner that goes far beyond anything we ever dreamed of.
One of the more amazing and beautiful aspects of the internet is that it is becoming the most powerful tool ever to spread ideas instantaneously worldwide, including a growing sense of one world consciousness and our oneness with all life. Little by little, it is assisting us go beyond the old, tired dualistic vision of the world and to spread ever more widely and rapidly the non-dualist consciousness that we are all linked ‘for better or for worse’ to borrow an expression from the traditional Anglican marriage liturgy.
More and more we are witnessing how an ever-growing number of people are developing an awareness that we are linked in a manner that goes far beyond anything we ever dreamed of. The prophet Isaiah foresaw this with uncanny sharpness 2500 years ago. Describing the ‘good deeds’ of the spiritually enlightened individual in what is nothing else than a remarkable program of social justice he then says of that person: ‘Then your light shall break forth as the dawn and your healing will quickly appear.’ (Isaiah 58:8, New International version). In other words, our healing depends on the healing of the world.
Every time you replace hatred with love,..replace your usual biting retort to your companion with silence or – why not – kindness, you are helping all those on the planet struggling with the same challenge, be it in an infinitesimal manner.
In this exciting new vision, every progress I make for myself, I make for the whole world. Every polio or cancer patient who overcomes his or her disease through active participation in the healing process helps all others afflicted with the same disease on the whole planet. Every time you replace hatred with love, overcome your nagging desire for the umpteenth ‘last’ drink, replace your usual biting retort to your companion with silence or – why not – kindness, you are helping all those on the planet struggling with the same challenge, be it in an infinitesimal manner. Which drop of water constituting an ocean is unimportant? The longest mile is made up of many inches, and each one brings us closer home, brings us closer, as a race and as individuals, to the realization that, whatever the present aggressive material appearances to the contrary, there is only one infinite Mind running the show. We are all motivated by the same infinite Love that gave birth to us all; we are joined by the same universal consciousness. As Mary Baker Eddy, an American metaphysician of the last century wrote: ‘The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness.’
We can all be agents of positive change
My Texan friend and teacher Roger McGowen spent 25 years on death row in Texas for a crime we know he never committed. Every progress he makes towards forgiving his jailers helps all the other innocents on death row in the USA and elsewhere worldwide to step closer towards forgiveness. Every Anita Moorjani who writes about their NDE (near death experience) with a powerful vision of divine love and everlasting life helps people all round the world overcome their fear of punishment and death.
In every single area of our lives, each of us can start striving for win-win relations, from the use of our time to spending money, …to our respect for the environment.
Every single one of us can become an agent of positive change by focusing thought in a certain manner. I will illustrate this by two examples. The first one is striving for win-win solutions in every single area of one’s life. The old, fatigued win-lose model which has dominated so much of human existence in so many areas, especially the economy, will have to disappear for us to survive as a race. The world is far too interconnected to be able to survive on the basis of the paleolithic, Darwinian model of relations. In every single area of our lives, each of us can start striving for win-win relations, from the use of our time to spending money, adjusting our schedules so that they work out for every member of the family or colleagues at work to our respect for the environment. In societies that are so dominated by money, tithing for instance can be a most exciting and even fun method of managing money in a win-win manner.
An easy way to uplift world consciousness
We live in a world where large numbers of our contemporaries feel completely powerless when contemplating the challenges facing the human race.

Photo by Hans Braxmeier
The second one is the practice of blessing. It is one of the simplest and easiest manners of uplifting world consciousness. There is hardly a moment in life during which it is not possible to bless. In the street, on the bus or underground, at work, at home with your companion or family, your silent blessings will uplift and heal. We live in a world where large numbers of our contemporaries feel completely powerless when contemplating the challenges facing the human race. The practice described above offers extraordinary encouragement to every single individual who wishes to undertake something meaningful to help create a saner world.
Every single progress we make, we make for the whole world – because you are me and I am you.
A true world citizen, Pierre Pradervand has labored all his life for social justice, living in or visiting 40 countries on every continent. From his Geneva home Pierre is now active as a writer, speaker and workshop facilitator, helping people to live simpler, yet richer, more contented lives. His workshops provide personal development tools that empower attendees to strengthen their internal anchors and advance on their spiritual path. He is the author of the award-winning The Gentle Art of Blessing, Messages of Life from Death Row, a collection of letters from Roger McGowen, an innocent former death row inmate and most recently 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World. This blog is reprinted by kind permission of The Gentle Art of Blessing.
Thank you, Cora!
I think it would be appropriate to share one of Pierre’s blessings to-day. This one ‘Day 7’ is so similar to the Essene Christian’s ” 7 Promises I make to myself each day” it is like a double blessings..
from “365 Blessings to myself and the World” – Really living one’s spirituality in everyday life.
“Day7” reads “The Invisible Divine Order Behind Everything”
“I bless the amazing divine order in nature, from the tiniest molecule to the rolling of the galaxies in our stupendous universe.
I bless the divine order in my life and that of my neighbor, even when to the human sense of things this order is all but apparent.
I bless the exquisite, stunning order that runs the over 37 trillion cells that make up my body and the hundreds of millions of chemical reactions occurring every second.
I bless the divine order in the universe that is constantly arranging innumerable possibilities for me and all to progress in life if only we will listen to its quiet whispers.
I bless the same divine order which forms the foundation of my spiritual GPS – God Positioning System – that gently corrects me when I stray out of ignorance or wilfulness.
And finally, I bless the divine order that is leading the whole of humanity through the many upheavals present and probably to come to the win-win paradigm which will finally give birth to that world which works for all, which is our divine destiny.”
This is one of my favorites!
Thank you, Ed, for including the blog~
Blessings o you
Ed, THANK-YOU for posting this blessing! It helped me SO much! I ordered the 365 Blessings book yesterday and am looking forward to getting it.
Namaste. Sheila☘
Thank you so much, Sheila, I share all the comments with Pierre who is very moved at the reception to the book so far. I hope you will consider writing a little review on, apparently readers put a lot of weight on these recommendations, and the publsher is keep to have as many as possible. Thank you so much in advance
Yes, Sheila I share your happiness here! ( I have the Kindle issued version. I wasn’t going to wait for it to be shipped!)
I trust the moderators here don’t mind ( I have been informed by ‘The Art of Blessing’ administrator that they are now ‘partnered’ with Gratitude network ) I a going to post Day 8 Blessing here for you too. This one is going to to posted, hard copy, at my work space and office bill board …and a few Irish Pubs Too!…. Lets turn your three leaf into a 4 Leaf clover with another Blessing!
“May your soul calm, console and renew you.”
( Two additional notes from me here:
1) O’Donohue’s point that a blessing is ” a circle of light drawn around a person to protect” is way more then just a “metaphor” it is a Fact, Clairvoyants can see this with their third eye / inner eye / So O’Donohue wasn’t holding back his ancient Celtic abilities here ( ones which they knew and used long before they adopted Christianity’s teaching of the same abilities). This is SO important that humanity learn to activate this latent ability again. This is one powerful ability which will help us to be sure we elect the right politicians in the future! We will know them by their Christ light or not at all.
2) Also note that O’Donohue does not place the Soul in any context which suggests it, the Soul, can be changed / saved / lost / etc etc . He always correctly say the Soul will strengthen you ( you as a present-day personality ). This is correct and counter to the bad cultural error of saying such things as the popular, “Save our Soul”, “feed the Soul” etc etc. I hope human kind gets back to true Souls awareness, that which iO’Donohue is using here.)
Day 8
A Blessing by John O’Donohue
Our blessing for this day comes from that great Irish writer John O’Donohue’s book., Anam Cara. We owe him many beautiful and deeply meaningful blessings. He says that: “a blessing is a circle of light drawn around a person to protect_, heal and strengthen.” I love that metaphor_, especially if one extends it to all one blesses_, including events. He also speaks of the sacredness of our work. And remember that what makes work sacred is the love you put into it_, be you a cashier or simple street sweeper. Sweeping a street with love or smiling to your clients as a cashier does more to save the world than running the most successful business with avidity and pride. So here is his blessings for your work or occupation.
May the light of your soul guide you.
May the light of your soul bless the work you do with the secret love and warmth of your heart.
May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul.
May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you and to those who see and receive your work.
May work never weary you.
May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement.
May you be present in what you do.
May you never become lost in the bland absences.
May the day never burden.
May dawn find you alert and awake, approaching your new day with dreams, possibilities and promises.
May evening find you gracious and fulfilled.
May you go into the night blessed, sheltered and protected.
May your soul calm, console and renew you.
You are welcome Sheila and “Peace be to you also”.
I want to make one more post here. This is in respect to Pierre’s comment on U-Tube (and elsewhere ) re Mark 12:31
The modern Cristian Bibles the “Love thy neighbour…..” but the Christian mystic Dr Stylianos Atteshlis ( aka Daskalos ) who was very knowledgable of the Greek and Aramaic languages of Joshua Emanuel the Christ which was the language he used to teach with ) points out ( full quote below ) Christos did not say “Love thy neighbour…….” he said “love every other fellow-man as your own self, ” Not less!
Here is the Daskalos quote from 1992 08 31
The commandment of the Godman, Joshua Emmanuel the Christ, was, “Love God, with all your mind and all your heart and love every other fellow-man as your own self, not less.”
Now, Joshua Emmanuel the Christ was preaching in Greek language of that time. What He said is,
“Arapisis kyrios o theosofu exstolisti the aniasu geexstolisti cardiasu, gedon blissionsu osson aftosu.”
He used the word “blission” which is not neighbor. It is mistranslated.
And, “your neighbor as yourself” is also mistranslated. Neighbor is “yidon” and not “blission”.
Christos said, “love every other fellow-man as your own self, ” Not less then that!
So We should have in our minds certain mistakes which were maybe inevitable in translating the Greek language of that time.
Thanks Ed, for this interpretation. If we are all One, it makes sense that loving the other fellow as your own self, or the other fellow who is yoursself, are two different ways of saying the same thing. Blessings,
HI Manuela
Yes, as the great “Post-Jugian” Dr James Hillman reminded often, “Words have meaning”.
So, as the Sufi like to say, “Don’t say, Thank You say, Thank US! , because all we Human Beings truly have, Is each other.”
This Sufi quality resonates throughout all of Pierre’s works. I hope and trust all his other publication will be translated and published in english, ( and other languages of course ) the western world is greatly in need of his ability to completely “close the loop”, consciously speaking, and thoroughly explicate what it means to be a fully Living- Human Being. Complete with experienced living examples!
Just want to make sure that all who are wanting to become better connected to Pierre Pradervan’s brilliance are aware of his website and latest “Blessings 365”
This is truth important work his is doing for mankind
Hello everyone,
Pierre’s July blog is live a couple of days ahead,
and that’s because I wanted you to know that 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World is NOW AVAILABLE from bookstores and online suppliers. Please share the information with your friends!
“Possibly one of the most beautiful books to use to heal not only your life but others.” Rony G. Campbell, Breakaway Reviewers, UK
If you have an account with or and plan to purchase it there, would you please consider writing a review (reviews are all the way down the appropriate Amazon book page). Marketing wisdom claims that potential buyers pay a lot of attention to reader reviews, and Pierre’s publicist at John Hunt is eager to have at least 30 customer reviews posted as soon as possible – so thank you so much in advance!
Pierre had a recent conversation on blessing with Ben Craig of O Books, and the video is live. I hope you’ll watch it and share it with friends.
Have a wonderful summer!
Thank-you for sharing this, Ed!
Peace, Sheila?
Dear Pierre, I am sitting here with tears in my eyes after reading your absolutely beautiful essay! Such love and tenderness come through your words! My heart has no words to express what I am feeling. My deepest thanks to you, dear Pierre!
Love and blessings, Sheila???
We loved your comment, dear Sheila. And here you will find lots more from Pierre and others, and you can also visit (and comment on) all his blogs on the site.
Love and blessings to you from us.
Thank-you so much, Manuela!?