two older people smiling in a field of yellow flowers


Our experience of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being can change from one hour to the next. Living gratefully helps us expand our perspective and orient to life with greater acceptance, compassion, and curiosity — all invaluable qualities for cultivating a more unconditional sense of well-being.


Explore the relationship between well-being and gratefulness through this curated collection of resources.

train speeding

Training Our Trains of Thought

by Kristi Nelson
Difficult mental and emotional patterns can teach us a lot about developing positive patterns, if…

Shining Light

by Reflections of Life
“We live in a complicated place. And it’s difficult to find your space,” says Chaeli…

Keep Exploring

Single candle on a table with soft fabrics and red berries

Between the Notes: The Gift of Silence and Stillness

by Sheryl Chard, Grateful Living
In this essay, Sheryl Chard reflects on the gifts of silence and stillness and how…
arms of a person leaning on a railing overlooking a calm lake

Bound Together: Grateful Contentment

by Joe Primo, Grateful Living
This essay shares how living gratefully naturally leads you away from discontent and towards contentment,…
rock cairn at the beach at sunset

Cherished Rituals Can Heal, New Ones Might Save Us

by Sheryl Chard, Grateful Living
In this essay, Sheryl Chard describes how imagining a new shared ritual for possibility alongside…
A side profile photo of a woman overlooking a city with a serene look on her face

Discovering Meaning in Every Moment

by Joe Primo, Grateful Living
This three-step reflective practice will help you find the meaning that already exists in your…
A small green sprout above a person's open hand

How to Start a Gratitude Practice in 3 Simple Steps

by Joe Primo, Grateful Living
As a core methodology for living a grateful life, the foundational practice of Stop. Look.…
A cardboard sign painted with colorful triangles and text that reads "You Belong." The sign is nestled amongst greenery.

The Borderless Heart at the Center of Belonging

by Joe Primo, Grateful Living
This essay explores how belonging to yourself makes you more compassionate and able to create…