You are Brilliant, and the Earth is Hiring
The earth couldn’t afford to send recruiters or limos to your school. It sent you…

Stories of Grateful Living
Making Grateful Living a Grateful DOing
The more that we allow our hearts to expand to love, deeply appreciate, and feel…

The Story of the Two Branches of Gratitude
Our friends at Gratitude Revealed connected with Lynne Twist recently, in between her many projects around the…

Stop. Look. Go.
This stunning film of unhurried, unplugged summer days with family and friends, beautifully illustrates Br.…

5 Steps to Finding Your Vocation
To live in faith and hope and love means finding your true vocation. It means…

William Kamkwamba: How I Harnessed the Wind
In this TED Talk, young Malawian William Kamkwamba describes how he built a windmill to…

Conversation on Grateful Living
(September, 2014) Two spiritual teachers — Jack Kornfield, a prominent Buddhist leader, and Br. David…

Want to be Happy? Be Grateful.
In his talk from TEDGlobal 2013, Br. David addresses how grateful living can change the…

A Vision for the World
Br. David writes about how one small illumination of gratitude creates ripples of positive change,…