May 9

Has living gratefully increased my sense of contentment? If so, how?

29 Reflections
May 8

What reliably awakens a grateful perspective for me?

42 Reflections
May 7

What helps me see the roses along with the thorns?

61 Reflections
May 6

Who do I know that embodies humility? What have they taught me?

32 Reflections
May 5

Where in my life have I found community?

37 Reflections
May 4

When have I felt a sense that I was exactly where I needed to be?

66 Reflections
May 3

What could I share with others today?

54 Reflections
May 2

What are some ways that I show care for the world?

51 Reflections
May 1

When I view the time available to me with a sense of abundance, what arises?

44 Reflections