“Peace is Every Step,“ Thich Nhat Hanh reminded us throughout his life and work. In this spirit, in the face of the concerted violence currently being waged against the Ukrainian people, we share the following resources to offer inspiration and support for the embodiment and expression of peace. Grateful Living reminds us that every moment holds the opportunity for reflection, perspective-taking, and action. Please join us as – together – we work towards our vision: A peaceful, thriving, and sustainable world – held as sacred by all…for all.

One Day of Peace
Here’s a crazy idea: Persuade the world to try living in peace for just one day, every September 21. In this energetic, honest talk, Jeremy Gilley tells the story of how this crazy idea became real — real enough to help millions of children in war-torn regions and to lay the groundwork for an annual global event which is changing the world.

The Price of Peace
“What I would like to share with you is something very simple but also very difficult: simple things often are,” writes Br. David, “It is an invitation to pay the price for peace…”

The Great Bell Chant: A Meditation
A 7-minute compassion meditation featuring the words and voice of Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh set to sweeping visuals.

For the Children
“In the next century
or the one beyond that, they say,
are valleys, pastures,
we can meet there in peace
if we make it…”

Boundless Qualities of the Mind
Joan Halifax Roshi introduces the Four Boundless Abodes — lovingkindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. These are qualities of the mind and heart that are inherent to our basic nature.

Light A Candle
In the spirit of the adage: “It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness,” we invite you to join us in lighting a candle for the millions of people around the world who are suffering the devastating impact of violence and conflict. Let us allow this World Peace Day to motivate and inspire us to participate in continuing to create a peaceful, thriving, and sustainable world – held as sacred by all.
We hope you are moved and inspired to action by these resources. Please feel free to share your reflections below. To discover more, visit our complete content library.
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