a red tulip and pink tulip in full bloom amidst rain illuminated by the sun


Grateful for the Dark Stuff Too

by Laura Grace Weldon
Orienting ourselves toward what works in our lives is perpetually rejuvenating. But that doesn’t mean…

Discovering the Sacred in Everyday Life

by Gail Brenner
“Sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness.”Galway Kinnell Although you may not…

Cultivating a Practice: Grateful Living as a Way of Life

by Kristi Nelson
Cultivation is a form of practice and harnesses the energy of purposefulness. We can cultivate…

To See It

by Laura Foley
We need to separateto see the life we’ve made,to leave our housewhere someone waits, patiently,warm…
Geese silhouetted against a stormy sky.

The Poet of Awe

by Fabiana Fondevila
Years before Mindfulness took the world by storm, inviting us to savor the moment, Mary…
Stories of Grateful Living

Living Gratefully Creates a Generous Energy

by Lisa Valentine
Living gratefully doesn’t insulate me from life, it allows me to more readily embrace joy…
Child playing the piano.


by Gregg Krech
If you look around you in your home or office you will probably see walls.…
Stories of Grateful Living

A “Modern Elder” Muses on Gratitude in Silicon Valley

by Chip Conley
I said yes, but realized quite quickly that being an elder today - especially in…
Stories of Grateful Living

There Is So Much More

by Namarah
There is a joy in relinquishing pride. It inspires discovery in every form.

Grateful for Nothing

by Gregg Krech
When things are going well, it’s easy to take for granted all of the unfortunate…

Everyday Gratitude: A Practice Series

by The Grateful Living Team
An eight-day practice inspired by the release of our first book, Everyday Gratitude: Inspiration for…

The Gift of Cold

by Fabiana Fondevila
In the southern hemisphere, the night of June 20 is the longest night of the…
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