March 6

What is one action I could take today to nurture something I value?

71 Reflections
March 5

What is currently sparking my curiosity?

103 Reflections
March 4

How am I currently living — or working towards living — my purpose?

113 Reflections
March 3

Who has passed from my life and left me grateful for having known them?

46 Reflections
March 2

How might I invite greater acceptance into a current situation?

63 Reflections
March 1

What am I grateful for about my ancestors?

39 Reflections
February 28

How does gratefulness open me to healing?

53 Reflections
February 27

What can I let go of?

132 Reflections
February 26

Have I noticed any positive changes in my life since beginning a grateful living practice? If so, what?

77 Reflections