August 1

Reflecting on a meaningful experience of receiving, what makes it stand out?

37 Reflections
July 29

What can I learn from my regrets?

33 Reflections
July 26

What do I find people thank me for?

40 Reflections
July 23

For which voices in my life am I most grateful?

51 Reflections
July 22

What new mindset do I have the opportunity to cultivate now?

36 Reflections
July 21

What are some ways I might make myself more available to life?

37 Reflections
July 20

What are the gifts that I have received from strangers recently?

50 Reflections
July 19

Are there ways I show up less wholeheartedly than I would like? How might I change that?

44 Reflections
July 18

How can I better acknowledge the good in others today?

41 Reflections
July 17

What contribution might I be making to the world without even knowing it?

50 Reflections
July 16

What would help me express my gifts more fully in the world?

52 Reflections
July 15

How might I be more generous with what I have?

44 Reflections
1 2 39 40 41 43 44